Me or her? (Quogan vs Seddie) {Chapter 22}

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Quinn's POV

I woke up this morning and I was with my friends Zoey and Lola, I walked out of my dorm and went out to my boyfriend Mark (we were together before Logan and I became friends). I saw Michael and Logan eating lunch with Chase and Nicole so I sat down with them. Suddenly Dustin walks by "Hi Dustin" I said smiling while eating my lunch. Dustin replies back at me "Hey Quinn" I said to Nicole that he's adorable and Nicole agreed with me on that. Zoey walks over and asks what we wanted to do. I said nothing pretty much Lola wanted to do something because she was bored. I told Mark that we needed to talk. Mark went out with Brooke and I felt hurt because he ditched me. So Logan comes over to me and he made me feel better. He asked me what was wrong I told him that Mark went out with Brooke and I tried to compete with her. The next day I saw Logan and Michael sitting together with Vince and Lola so I went to check it out. Vince says "Hey Quinn, wanna sit with us?" I said "sure" So I sat down with Logan and Michael and Vince and Lola. Vince and Lola were kissing each other until James and Zoey walk by. I told them that Logan and Michael already have plans. They said okay and we had a great time.

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