Chapter 4: Ramyeon

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After I finally finished unpacking and decorating a bit of my bedroom. I laid on my cozy bed completely tired. Then Jungkook suddenly barges in my room.

Jungkook: "Y/N!!" He shouts loudly.
Y/N: "What do you want!! Don't you know how to knock??" I state as I sit up in my bed looking at him.

Jungkook: "Nah, anyways I'm hungry. Let's eat."
Y/N: "I'm hungry as well but, what are we gonna eat? Is there food in the fridge?"

We both go outside my bedroom to go to the mini kitchen to check the refrigerator. "Fvck." We both said in unison looking at each other with wide eyes.

There's no freakin' food in the refrigerator!! How are we going to survive if there's no food in here!! I'm so hungry though.

Y/N: "Jungkookkk, what are we going to dooo!! There's no food, I'm so hungryyy." I said as I shake him and started acting like a kid. Jungkook just laughed at my actions as I stared at him in disbelief.

Y/N: "How are you laughing right now?!! We don't have food!"
Jungkook: "Aigoo, there's a near convenience store here. About 10-15 minutes away. Let's go there and get some Ramyeon." My eyes lit up as he said Ramyeon.

Y/N: "Really?!! We'll get Reamyeon?!" I say excitingly. Ramyeon is my favourite go to like food. But I can only have Ramyeon twice a week, cause my parents said it's bad for me.

Jungkook just chuckled again at my behaviour.
Jungkook: "Anyways, let's go?"
Y/N: "Ohh wait, I'm just gonna grab my phone and wallet and the keys."

Jungkook: "Oh yeah, sure. I'll wait for you outside the building.
With that, he left and I went to go get my phone, my wallet, making sure it has some money. And the keys to the dorm.

I then head downstairs, going outside the building looking for Jungkook. Then I spotted him outside near the entrance watching the sunset. It was almost night.

Y/N: "Jungkookkk! There you are, let's goooo." I say definitely excited. Jungkook looked at me like there was something wrong with me.

I just ignored him and started going forward not knowing the direction of the convenience store. Not until he pulled my hand causing me to trip and fall on his chest.

Luckily he caught me safe in his arms. I hit his shoulders.
Y/N: "Yahh! Why did you do that?!! Let's go alreadyyy." I said a little bit flustered and I was whining at him again.

I was about to go again but he held my wrist tightly but gently.
Jungkook: "You're going to go to a convenience store almost night time at this freakin' cold weather wearing that?" He raised his brows at me looking at me disapprovingly.

I looked down at what I was wearing, I still haven't changed to some other clothes but my clothes look pretty normal to me though.

Y/N: "What? My clothes look pretty normal?" I state in confusion.
Jungkook: "It's too revealing Ms Park Y/N." He said in a strict voice.

Jungkook: "Go get your jacket in our dorm, I'll wait for you here."
Y/N: "Nooo, I'm lazy." Jungkook just sighed and started taking off his jacket and gave it to me.

Jungkook: "Wear mine then."
Y/N: "I don't want to." I said shaking my head.
Jungkook: "We're not leaving this place until you wear my jacket."
Y/N: "Ughhh!!" I groaned.

Some of the students were looking at us already so I immediately took the jacket and wore it. Glaring at Jungkook who has a victory smile.

Jungkook POV

She looked absolutely gorgeous at that outfit but I can't let others see that. I just felt like I need to protect her.

As she turned to the students who were staring at us she immediately took the jacket and wore it.

Oh My God. She looks so cute and hilarious at the same time. My jacket was so big on her, it reached around her mid-thighs. Passing those short high waisted shorts she wore.

Just the perfect fit. She glared at me and I gave her my victory smile clearly indicating that I won against her.


Y/N: "Stop staring!! Let's go, I'm hungry." I state a bit grumpy.
Jungkook just laughed at my behaviour and said: "Okay, Let's go."

He led the way as he was the one who knows the way to the convenience store. And I followed him going out of the campus to go to that convenience store.

Time Skip - Convenience Store

We were talking about random stuff while walking to the convenience store, it wasn't really that far.
Jungkook was really fun to talk with.

Once we arrived I looked around the convenience store and found the man behind the cashier staring at me.

I kinda felt uncomfortable so I just ignored him and happily skipped my way to the Ramyeon aisle. There wasn't a lot of people here anyways.

Jungkook saw the man staring at me, he went towards him and glared at him.

Jungkook POV

I saw that Y/N was looking around and stopped to look at the man who seems to be working at the convenience store staring at her.

I saw that she felt uncomfortable so she just happily went to the aisle of Ramyeon. While I saw that dude still staring at her.

I walked intimidatingly to him and glared at him.
Jungkook: "What do you think you are doing?" I state calmly but cold.

On the inside I feel frustrated, I don't know what this feeling is but the more I spent my time with her the more I want to value and protect her at all cost.

Worker: "I-I'm s-s-sorry. I-i won't s-stare at h-her anymore." He says stuttering. I smirk as I knew I scared him enough for him to not stare at Y/N again.

With that, I went to Y/N, when I saw her I started laughing. Her hands are so full of packs of Ramyeon not knowing what to choose.


I was deciding what Ramyeon to choose it was so hard because there are so many good ones!! I then heard someone laughing so I turned to face that voice.

Y/N: "Jungkook? Where have you been? Why are you laughing?" You frowned as you were confused to why he was laughing.
Jungkook: "Nowhere, anyways are you going to buy all of that?" He says still laughing at your confused face.

Y/N: "I can't decideee, help meee. Like there are so many good ones."
Jungkook: "Just choose, I'll choose this one." He says while grabbing a very spicy Ramyeon in the shelves.

Y/N: "Oooh, is that new? I've never seen that before. Is it good?"
Jungkook: "Yepp, it just came out a few days ago. You should try it, it's really good. But it's really spicy."

I stuffed all the Ramyeon I got back in the shelves and grabbed the Ramyeon that Jungkook got.
Y/N: "I can handle spicy foods." I say smugly.

Jungkook: "You sure 'bout that?" He says chuckling at my smugly face.
Y/N: "Yep, Now let's go pay this at the counter."

Jungkook: "You go there first I'll just grab something."
Y/N: "Okay, hurry up. I'm excited to try this." I say excitingly.
With that, I head to the counter to pay my Ramyeon.

As I was finished paying my Ramyeon the dude that was staring at me awhile ago is now completely avoiding to look at me and always looks down. What's his problem?

Anyways then I see Jungkook walking to the counter with his items after he paid for his food we started walking back to the campus.

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