Chapter 14: Fine! I Admit it!

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This is getting really freaky. Oh God. How am I supposed to sleep at night? Alone in my room? Why did we have to watch this?

Halfway through the movie, it was getting surreal. Every now and then squealing and hiding behind Jungkook while he just laughs at me.

Then a jump scare popped out during the movie making me squeal and hold Jungkook's hoodie very tight hiding behind his broad shoulders then peeking out to check if it was still there.
While Jungkook just chuckles at my behavior then leans down to whisper in my ears

Jungkook: "I hAndLe hOrrOr mOviEs rEalLy wElL." He says mocking me in my voice laughing lowly while I just hit him in the shoulder making him laugh even more.
Y/N: "Stop it!" I said glaring at him and fixing my position but still not letting go of his hoodie. Why are all of his hoodies so soft and comfy? I just wanna take them all.

Jungkook: "And why are you holding on my hoodie?" He says directly looking at my eyes and raising his eyebrows.
Y/N: "N-nothing, it's just comfy? Yeah yeah, it's soft and comfortable." I said avoiding the eye contact and started focusing on the movie again while he just lets it be and laughs at me AGAIN.

After sometime the movie finally finished while I just sigh in relief.
Jennie: "This was a great night and all but I'm really sleepy." She says standing up and yawning.
Taehyung: "Yeah, we'll head back to our dorms now. Hope you can sleep well Y/N." He says standing up as well and winking at me teasing me because of the movie.

Y/N: "Y-yah! I'm gonna sleep tight!!" I said swallowing the lump in my throat acting all brave and stuff.
Jennie: "Sure hon. Anyways, I'll see you. So bye boo, sleep tight." She says winking at me like Taehyung did. Before I can respond they bid their goodbyes to Jungkook and went straight out of the door.

After they left our dorm I started picking the wrappers and the dirt around the couch, just when I was about to pick up the last wrapper the lights suddenly went off making me scream and drop all the wrappers in my hands.

Jungkook POV

After Taehyung and Jennie went out I saw Y/N picking up the mess we created earlier, I wonder if she can really sleep "tight" tonight. Let's tease her a little then. Just as she was about to pick up the last wrapper I turned off the lights making her scream.

Y/N: "J-jungkook? W-where are y-you?" She says her voice trembling. Poor baby, I'm sure you won't sleep alone in your room tonight. I remain silent trying to hold in my laughter as Y/N keeps calling my name.

Then I slowly walk towards her as I grab her in my embrace scaring her to death
Jungkook: "Boo!" Then she screams so loud making me almost deaf.
Y/N: "Ahhh!!! You jerk!! Let go of me!!!!!!" Then I let go of her laughing my ass of as I head to the switch to turn on the lights.

Then I can finally see Y/N who looks paler than as sugar standing there trembling. Okay, I admit I feel a little guilty. She then glares at me and punches me on my shoulder as I groan. How can her punch be that strong for her size?

Jungkook: "Ouch!! What was that for??" I say as she gives me the "Are you serious?" look. "Okay, okay I'm sorry."
Y/N: "Whatever. You clean up I'm going to sleep!!" She says as she heads to her bedroom.
Jungkook: "That's if you can sleep alone tonight." I said mumbling while I caress the spot she punched me.


I swear to God I'll kill him someday. That wasn't funny!! It could had been a killer or an intruder!! I'll get back at him someday. Just you wait Jeon. As I reached my room I then realized.


How am I gonna sleep alone?!!!

Just then it starts to rain. Perfect! Just what I CLEARLY needed to sleep alone for tonight. Can this get any worse? Let's just try to close our eyes listen to some music and fall asleep.





After an hour of me trying to sleep, I sit up on my bed the rain still not stopping. Just then I heard Jungkook's door to his bedroom closing, is he done cleaning up?

Can I maybe sleep at his room just for tonight? Nothing will go wrong right? We'll sleep. Just sleep. Nothing more, nothing less. After sighing heavily I got out of my room, heading straight to Jungkook's bedroom. I started hesitating to knock on his door.

Just as I was about to knock, the door opened revealing Jungkook in a white thin t-shirt catching a glimpse of his well defined abs. I then shook that thoughts out of my head as I look up at him staring at me already smirking a little.

Jungkook: "What can I do for you?"
Y/N: "U-umm, c-can I m-maybe sleep i-in your r-room for t-tonight?" Why did I have to stutter? Oh God. Please say yes.
Jungkook: "And why is that?"
Y/N: "N-nothing, I just w-want to see your r-room."
Jungkook: "Really? Are you sure it's not just because you're sca-"

Y/N: "Fine!! I admit it!!! I'm fvcking scared and I can't sleep alone in my room for tonight and the heavy rain isn't clearly hella helping me!!!!!" I said in one go clearly out of breath. While Jungkook just looks at me in disbelief.
Y/N: "I'm sorry, can I just sleep in your room? Even if it's just for tonight?" I said changing completely to a soft marshmallow.

Jungkook POV

Is she bipolar or what?

At first I was really shook at what she said in one go, but then after that she completely changes to being as soft baby. My eyes softened as I saw she was really scared, and the rain is getting out of hand as well.

I can use this moment to spend time with her and get to know more about her. I can't deny the fact that I'm starting to fall for her in a span of just a day. Damn. What have you done to me?

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