Chapter 6: What a Small World

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It was still early in the morning as I was sleeping very peacefully tired from yesterday's events until I heard my freakin' cellphone ringing. Again.

Why does my phone always disturb my peaceful sleep? Why does it have to be so cruel? Ughhh. This time I checked whoever was calling me and it was...

Jennie?!! Sht I forgot to call or text her yesterday!! Oh My God, she will kill me! I'm so dead!!! I immediately answer the phone planning to sweet-talk her.

Y/N: "H-hey Jennie, G-good M-morning." I said in the sweetest and softest voice.
Jennie: "Don't even think about it." She said as she immediately knew what I was trying to do.

Y/N: "Okay, Okayyy. I'm sorry, I was just tired of unpacking yesterday, and after that, I was hungry as hell and me and my roommate opened the fridge thinking there would be some kind of food and then there was none then we had to get Ramyeon at the convenience store and we had a game night and I was exhausted." I said explaining out of breath.

Jennie: "Okay, chill Y/N. Gosh, that sure was a long damn day. Anyways who's your roommate?"
Y/N: "Oh My God, my roommate is a boy!! b-but I have to admit it was fun hanging out with him. But God, he is extremely flirty and teases me all the time, but I d-don't know he's very protective of me." I said blushing a little.

Jennie: "OMG girl, same! My roommate's a boy too and he always teases me!! Ughh."
Y/N: "I know right?" I say laughing, making her laugh too.
Jennie: "By the way, who's your roommate babe?" She asks curiously.

Y/N: "Oh, his name is Jeon Jungkook."
Jennie: "What?!! Who?" She shouts in the other line making me pull away from my phone from my ears. Damn, that hurts, my precious ears.
Y/N: "It's Jeon Jungkook! What's your problem?"

Jennie: "O-oh nothing, his name just sounds familiar."
Y/N: "Ohh okay, anyways you wanna meet up at the mall? I wanna buy a few decorations and some clothes."
Jennie: "Ooohh, I like the sound of that." I laughed at the tone of her voice.

Y/N: "Okay, let's meet up in less than 2 hours hun."
Jennie: "That sounds great! Omg, I'm so excited!"
Y/N: "I can tell Jen." I say making her chuckle.

Jennie: "Okay, see you later boo."
Y/N: "See yah!"
We bid our goodbyes in our phones, as soon as I put my phone down, I immediately get my towel and got out going to the bathroom to get ready.

As soon as I open my door I see Jungkook standing in front of me. I flinched and screamed a little as I was surprised by him.
Y/N: "Yah! What's wrong with you??" I say glaring at him.

Jungkook POV

I was going to the bathroom to get ready as I was meeting with my best friend at the mall until I heard Y/N was talking to someone on the phone.

And I don't really know why, but I got curious and listened to their conversation. Who is she even talking to? And she's going to the mall too?

After a few minutes they bid goodbye to each other, then she suddenly opened the door, making her flinch and scream a little as she was surprised by me standing in front of her.

Jungkook: "Who were you talking too?" I say a bit coldly, what if it was a boy? Oh god, why am I even jeal- Ughh.
Y/N: "And why are you standing in front of my door? Are you listening to our conversation?!" She said a bit mad at me. Oh ouh.

Jungkook: "I asked first. So answer me first." I say smirking at her, making her scoff.
Y/N: "That's none of your business." She says rolling her eyes at me. Wow, why is she so feisty?

I walk closer to her until she was leaning in her door, placing both of my hand beside her, trapping her between the door and me.


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