Chapter 5: Game Night

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Time Skip - Dorm Room

As soon as we got inside the dorm room I immediately went straight to its mini kitchen. Jungkook just chuckled at my behaviour and followed me.

I started to cook our Ramyeons not even bothering to change into comfortable clothes as I was so hungry. Oh, I'll give Jungkook's jacket later. Not lying but it's so cozy and soft.

After our Ramyeons finished cooking we immediately start eating. Wow, the Ramyeon was really good. I just slurp it all.

Jungkook: "Slow down Y/N, you might choke."
Y/N: "I'm hungry, don't judge me." I said my mouth full of Ramyeon.

After I and Jungkook finished eating our Ramyeon the spice starts to take effect. Oh My God. It's spicy asf.

Y/N: "Jungkook, water please." I say pleadingly as my eyes began to tear up because it was so spicy.
Jungkook: "Here, I bought you banana milk too. I knew you couldn't handle it."

I took the banana milk and gulped the whole thing down. I was breathing heavily. Sweating so much. And still crying from the taste. I did not expect this.

Jungkook just sighed. And gently took off his jacket on you. Getting his handkerchief and wiping your tears and your sweat.

You stared at him while he was wiping your sweat. Damn. He sure is boyfriend material, even husband material.

Jungkook noticed that I was staring at him so he said arrogantly "Stop staring, babe."
I rolled my eyes at him. What am I even thinking?? Ughh. After he finished wiping my sweat, we cleaned up our mess.

Y/N: "Jungkook, I'll go take a shower now." Unfortunately, there was only one bathroom in the dorm room. But it's still pretty good though, at least it has a bathtub.

With that, I grabbed a maroon oversized hoodie and some black shorts. My oversized hoodie was covering my shorts as it was really big.

Time Skip - After Showering

As I stepped out of the bathroom after having a nice cold shower. I heard someone screaming and shouting in the living room. Was that Jungkook??

With that, I rushed towards the living room to check whatever the hell he is doing. I arrived at the living room staring at him in pure disbelief.

Y/N: "Seriously Jungkook? I thought you were dying or something?" I saw him playing Overwatch in the living room. He was using the Smart TV to play.

Jungkook: "I am dying!! Look!" He said as I looked and he was killed. I just laughed at him.
Y/N: "You're a Noob." I continued laughing at him.

Jungkook: "What did you just call me?!!" He says completely annoyed by me.
Y/N: "I just call you Noob. N. O. O. B. You clearly don't know how to play Overwatch."

Jungkook: "I've been playing this for years!! How can you say that to me! Are you challenging me?!!"
Y/N: "Maybe I am Jeon." I smirked at him trying to intimidate him.

Jungkook: "Oh you did not just do that!" He says in complete disbelief.
Y/N: "I just did babe." I say smugly at him.

He threw me a controller and I catch it with ease and sat beside him. We played a couple of rounds, we didn't notice the time passing.

Luckily we have a week and a half before the University starts. We kept on playing, and it came to the point where our scores are a tie.

We decided to do the tiebreaker, I didn't want to lose because whoever loses has to do the dishes for a week.

I saw that he was about to win the game, Nooo!! I can't let him win! But I did something that made him freeze for a moment causing him to lose the game.

Y/N: "Yes!! I won sucker! I told you I'm a pro at this." I say laughing at his flustered yet annoyed face.
Jungkook: "Yahh! You didn't win, you cheated!!"

Jungkook POV

I was about to win the game until Y/N suddenly kissed my cheeks causing me to freeze and lose the game.

I feel my face burning, I was pretty sure I'm red right now. Then Y/N suddenly shouted she won.

Jungkook: "Oh my god. You're a cheater!!" I state annoyed but still a bit flustered. She just laughed at me and stood up and gave me the controller back.

Did I just lose to a girl? No no no. She cheated. No one can beat the almighty Jeon Jungkook.

She laughed at me looking so confused.
Y/N: "Good Luck with the dishes for a week babe! I'll make sure to eat extra for this week." She says winking at me.

I looked at her in utterly pure disbelief. She sure is something else.


He looked at me in pure disbelief as I laughed more at his reaction and facial expression.

Y/N: "Goodnight Kook!" I say while heading to my bedroom as I was tired from this day, but I admit I had a great time with Jungkook.

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