Chapter 19: Does love at first sight exists?

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As days pass by, me and Jungkook just got closer to each other. Sharing our pasts and telling a few secrets, even laughing off our embarrassing childhood moments and all the constant flirting. It turns out that we do have a lot in common, we felt like we knew each other for a long time even though we just met a couple days ago.

Unfortunately, school has already started, we were only a few weeks in but the professors were already giving us a LOT of homework. But it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, all of us met a great group of friends. Me and Jennie having new friends and they are completely amazing, having the same vibe with us but still unique, same goes for Jungkook and Taehyung.

We are currently in the cafeteria right now having our lunch break, me and my friends sat in a table exhausted already. Jennie and Nayeon offered to get the food while me, Jisoo, and Wendy wait for them talking about how our day was going. Just then Jungkook and his group of friends passed by us, Jungkook noticing us and started approaching us.

Jungkook: "Heyyy, what are you guys doing?" I then look up at him, but before that I waved to his friends first as we've grown close as well, them waving and smiling back at me.
Jungkook: "Did you just ignore me?!" He said blocking my view from his friends as I finally turn my attention back to him.

Y/N: "What do you want?" I said face palming myself as he puts his hands on his chest acting offended, as our friends just chuckled at our childish behaviors.

Jungkook: "WELL, I just passed by to give you this." He said waving the strawberry milk in front of my face, I was about to take it but then I saw he was holding banana milk in his other hand.
Y/N: "You can keep it, I'll take this instead." I said taking the banana milk from his other hand.

Jungkook: "DON'T YOU DARE!!!! THAT'S MINEEEEEEE!!!!!" He said trying to take it from me.
Y/N: "Well, too bad Koo." I teased as I already started drinking it, watching him throw tantrums like a 5-year-old.

Just as he was about to try and take it from me again, Yoongi interrupts us.
Yoongi: "Okay, that's enough. Lets go Kook, we still have basketball practice."
Jungkook: "B-but Hyung, my b-banana milk!!!!"

He said still throwing a fit as Yoongi just sighs and signals the boys to just drag Jungkook as they were getting late for their practice. Yoongi was their basketball captain and he couldn't afford to be late for their practice.

Taehyung and Jimin comes up to practically drag Jungkook out as we bid them goodbye.
Jungkook: "YAHHH!! Don't think this is over!!!!!" He said pointing his index finger at me as I mock him, sipping on the banana milk he GAVE me.

Seokjin: "Yah! You're so loud!!" He said as he scolded Jungkook like a mother.
Namjoon: "At least you have strawberry milk Kook." He said chuckling, teasing Jungkook even more.
Hoseok: "Bye guys! See you around." He said waving us goodbye and smiling like a sunshine.

Jisoo: "Yah! Admit it!!"
Y/N: "Admit what?"
Wendy: "That you also like Jungkook." Just then Jennie and Nayeon comes back with the food, placing it on the table cutting me off.
Jennie: "So, what happened?" She asked sitting beside me.

Jisoo: "Nothing much, the boys came by and Jungkook gave Y/N strawberry mil-"
Wendy: "BUT Y/N stole Jungkook's banana milk."
Nayeon: "Typical Y/N and Jungkook." She said chuckling.
Jisoo: "Hey, you haven't answered our question."

Jennie: "What did you guys ask her?"
Jisoo: "If she likes Jungkook."
Wendy: "Or love."
Nayeon: "Ooh Y/N's inlove~"
Y/N: "Y-yah! Stop it, someone might hear you guys!!"
Jennie: "Is it love at first sight at the dorms hmm?"

Y/N: "I don't know... Does love at first sight even exists?" I said doubting it, as the girls looked at me with different expressions on their faces as we continue eating our lunch. Just then the school bell rings, indicating that lunch time was over and it was time for our next classes.

After the long day at school, I head to the dorms opening the door with the keys and I immediately went inside my room slumping in my bed. After having a short break and changing my clothes, I went to my desk and started doing some of my homeworks so I could enjoy my weekend.

After about an hour and a half, I finally finish all of my homeworks that are due next week. I stood up and put my things inside my bag, and grabbed a towel as I wanted to take a nice long warm bath. Then someone knocked on the door, making me groan.

Y/N: "I don't wanna play overwatch!!" I said opening my door seeing Jungkook standing there raising his eyebrows.
Jungkook: "I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the new coffee shop?"
Y/N: "No- Wait, did you just say the new coffee shop?!"

Jungkook: "Uh... yeah? It seems like you don't wanna go, I'll just invite someone else." He said smirking, teasing me.
Y/N: "Noooo!!! I wanna go thereeeee!!!!!!" I said stomping my feet like a 5-year-old brat whose mother won't buy a lollipop.
Jungkook: "I'll give you 30 minutes to get ready."

Y/N: "30?!! 1 Hour."
Jungkook: "Don't make me turn it to 15 minutes."
Y/N: "Arghh!! Why are you doing this to me?!!"
Jungkook: "Revenge baby."
Y/N: "Arghh!! Get out!!! I'm gonna get ready!" I said pushing him outside my room.

If it weren't for this coffee shop that Nayeon recommended me I wouldn't do this!! She said that it has a really nice view of the city and it's like 10 minutes away from the campus, so we could just get there by walking.

After a quick 10 minute shower, I rushed to my closet to find a cute outfit to wear for tonight as I wanted to take some pictures to update my social media. I then found a simple cute floral dress which ran down to my mid-thighs, has some puffed sleeves going on, and a mini slit on the left side. And putting on some sandals and a small handbag to complete the whole look.

As I was unplugging my charger from the socket I heard Jungkook scream "2 minutes Y/N!!" I picked up my pace and rushed to the living room where I found Jungkook playing on his phone looking so focused that he didn't even notice my presence, I scoffed annoyed that he was rushing me while he was just playing games on his phone here.

Y/N: "Lets go, dumbhead." I said standing in front of him crossing my arms looking at him disapprovingly as he finally looks up at me from his phone.
Jungkook: "Oh, you're don-" He gets cut off as he eyes me up and down.

Y/N: "Yah!! Stop staring and lets go!!!" I said as he snaps out of his gaze and raises one eyebrow up, looking at me disapprovingly this time.
Jungkook: "What are you wearing? Don't you know that it's col-"

Y/N: "Oh come on, you can just lend me your big ass jacket, now lets goo!! I'm so excited!!!" I said cutting him off and pulling him out the dorm, once we arrive outside the door I grab my keys and locked the door.

I grabbed his hand again and dragged him again to the elevator.
Jungkook: "Okay, Okay! Stop dragging me I can walk on my own!!" I didn't listen to him and continued dragging him outside the building after the elevator opens.

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