Chapter 2

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(I suck at detailed third person writing but I'm going to try. Thanks for tolerating my crap)


My orange legs bucked at the tree as it shivered and the apples fell, my little sister with a bucket to catch them. I pulled off my stetson and wiped the sweat from my forehead before putting it back on. I bucked at a second tree and looked at Big Mac who bucked at some other tree. "Apple Jack!" a scratchy voice called, "Oh." I recognized the voice of Granny Smith and Iooked at Big Mac who nodded "Go on AJ! We can handle the rest." Apple Bloom piped up "Oh OK." and I galloped from the east field and to the house. I met Granny Smith outside and told me that I had to go get some bits from some apples we had leftover. I picked up the apples and headed towards Ponyville.


Somewere near Ponyville a small cream pegasus fluttered around her cottage, throwing certain bits of food to different animals, humming a tune to them as she went along. She settled down and picked up a bag of chicken feed to put it away when a empty bowl hit her head. "Oh!" she turned to see her grumpy pet rabbit, Angel. "What is it Angel?" she asked, her voice as soft as silk. Angel squeaked and pointed at his empty bowl and the mare's hooves went to her face "Oh! I'm sorry Angel. Here let me get you some food." but when she checked, Angel's food was gone. "Oh my! I'm sorry Angel. I have to go back to Ponyville to buy you some. I'll be back soon." she turned to the path and galloped towards the small town.

(Note: In here Diamond Tiara and the crusaders are older like...high school


I sat on the golden chariot as it began to lower to the ground. The town was quite small but it was nicer that way. I watched as several ponies stared at me in confusion as I stepped off and the gaurds flew away. I stared at everyone as they stared at me before shyly walking away. Then I heard yelling "OH MY GOSH!! ITS PRINCE LIGHTNING SKY!" I groaned "Crap." and I saw ponies beginning to crowd around. I wasn't very old, barely through Highschool. As I walked I heard several ponies basically yelling my name to Cloudsdale. I turned and groaned as everyone seemed to clutter around me. I turned around and galloped away. I came here to AVOID popularity.. NOT TO BE MAULED BY PONYVILLE!" and I wished I had wings right there. I galloped as fast as my legs could carry me as I made a desperate dash out of town. I remembered I could teleport and I paused inside an alley. "Take me some were were they AREN'T!" I hissed to my horn which glowed and I felt magic envelope my body.

I blinked open my eyes to see white fluff in my face. I stood up and brushed myself off and looked around. I looked at my horn and I remembered my ability to walk on clouds. "Must be in Cloudsdale." i muttered to myself and looked down at Ponyville below. There were several groups of ponies, probably hunting for me. "Hey!" I jumped and almost fell off the cloud. I turned around to see a cyan pegasus with a...rainbow mane? "Um...." I said awkwardly "Do I know you?" she asked and I shrugged "I don't know you. I never met a pegasus with a rainbow mane." I said and she shrugged "So..Why you staring at Ponyville?" I stared at her. I had no reason to really, but I came up here to avoid being mauled. "Um...Running." she rose an eyebrow "Running? From what?" "A mob of Ponyville." the pegasus laughed "Mob? Please Ponyville wouldn't hurt anyone!" then she stopped and stared at my back "How are you standing on the cloud? Without wings." I bit my lip "I..I'm able to stand on clouds." I excused "Did you use a spell?" "No." then I bit my tongue "Then how?" I turned to her "No reason!" and I started my teleportation spell, my horn glowing a blue and little lightning sparks seemed to come from it and Rainbow watched as my body was enveloped in magic and I began to fade. "HEY! You didn't answer my question!" then I vanished.


In the process of getting to the store I heard the sound of wings and I turned to see a golden chariot land nearby. A blue unicorn stepped from it and everyone stared. I noticed he had something sticking from his saddlebag, something shiny. Then someone shouted and my ears smacked against my head "OH MY GOSH! ITS PRINCE LIGHTNING SKY!" and the colt stiffened and bolted past me, I felt his saddlebag smack into my side as he ran past, making me fall over. I held my hooves over my head as the crowd ran past me as I squeezed my eyes shut. When everything quieted down I heard someone speaking to me "Fluttershy! You okay?" I looked up to see my best friend "Oh. Yeah Rainbow Dash. At least I think so." then I noticed something shining in the dust beside me. I picked it up and flipped it over. It was a golden crown with a blue jewel. "What's that?" Rainbow asked "I think someone must have dropped it. I'll try and find out who." Dash nodded "Okay Fluttershy!" and she bulleted into the sky.


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Eat muffins and be crazy! -Derpy

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