chapter: 14

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We arrive at my dads house at 12:15. We're a little late because traffic was bad. I carry Milo in one arm and keep Tom's hand in the other.
The house my dad is renting is pretty normal compared to our big family home in Miami. It's a 2 story, 4 bedroom, 5 bathroom house. It has a gorgeous big garden with a pool.
When we get to the door I turn to Tom, "you ready?"
"I think so, it's just lunch with your dad right?"
"Right, and I mean maybe some other cast members I'm not sure."
"Wait, so this could be lunch with the avengers for all you know?"
"Maybe, is that okay?"
"Yeah...yeah it's amazing!"
I smile at him and take a deep breath before pressing the door bell.

My dad opens the door with a beaming smile. "Ah, the prodigal daughter returns!"
"Hey dad." I say and give him a big hug.
"I missed ya kid."
"I missed you too" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek before stepping back to let Tom introduce himself.
"Hi, Mr Downey, I'm Tom, Tom Holland...sir." Tom says nervously holding out his hand. He's practically shaking with nerves.
My dad ignores his hand and pulls Tom into a hug.
"Good to see you again Tom."
"You too sir." Tom replies.
"Oh please, call me Robert. Come on we're all in the kitchen."
"We're? Who else is here?"
"Oh just a few people. Everybody missed you."
"Okay cool. Come on babe."
I take Tom's hand and lead him into the kitchen.
Chris, Lizzie, Scarlett, Jeremy and Jon were all gathered around the table.

"Look who's here everyone!" My dad says as he walks in.
They all turn to look at us and huge smiles spread across their faces as they rush to greet us.
"Hey lil Downey it's so good to see you!" Lizzie says embracing me in a hug.
"The iron daughter has returned" Jon exclaims giving me a high-five.
They all continue to hug and shake hands with Tom and I until eventually we all settle down again. My dad pours coffee and tea (for Tom).

"So, you and the spider kid huh?" Chris asks.
"Mhm" I respond sipping my coffee and holding Tom's free hand under the table.
"How long have you guys been together?"
"Almost 3 months now!"
"So how did it like happen?"
"Um well we met at that Spider-Man audition, we only spoke for like 5 minutes but it was nice. Then when I was at the airport on my way to New York we met again. Tom and his friend Harrison were going on the same plane to New York. We all sat together and talked it was really fun. When we got off I gave him my number and we sort of hung out all that week. On our last night he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes, obviously." I smile at Tom and squeeze his hand.

"Awwww that's adorable!" Scarlett coos.
"That's sweet" Jeremy says as he gets up to refill his coffee mug. He gives Tom a pat on the back.

"Well then! I think it's time to get that barbecue going, the others should be here soon!"
"Barbecue? Wait others? Dad I thought this was just a family lunch!"
"I've got to show off my barbecue skills to your boyfriend Ali!"
"Okay but how many more people are coming?"
"Just a few, don't worry kid!"

An hour later there are at least 100 people all standing outside in the garden. It's a lot more than 'just a few' my dad seems to have invited half the cast and crew from civil war.
I spot Tom talking to Paul Bethany and walk over to them.
I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his torso.

Tom jumps a little in surprise but quickly smiles when he sees it's me. "Hey baby" I say quietly.
"Hey darling, are you okay?" He asks.
"Mhm I'm just tired. How are you doing? I'm sorry I know this isn't what we were expecting."
"No no it's amazing! I got to meet like everybody! I was super nervous about tomorrow but now it's like a weights been lifted. Everyone's so nice!"
"That's great baby! You're not too over whelmed are you?"
"No way!" He smiles down at me and pecks my forehead.
I turn back to Paul who is grinning at us.
"Hey Paul how are you?"
"Very well thank you Alice. I see you're doing well?" He smirks slightly.
"Yeah I'm good thanks. Listen I'm gonna run and get some more lemonade do either of you want anything?"
"I'm good thanks love." Tom says as I let go of his body.

I walk over to the table covered in drinks, mainly alcoholic, which I'd probably be all over if my dad wasn't here. I pick up the jug of fresh lemonade and refill my glass. Just as I'm about to walk away I feel a hand on my arm.
I turn around and to face my dad.
"Hey kiddo! So listen I just wanted to tell you, I really like this Tom guy. He's wayyyy better than any of those other jerks you've brought home. He really seems to love you. I mean he's just spent the last hour and a half talking to your dads work colleagues. He's being perfectly polite and kind. Not a lot of boys would do that. I just wanted to tell you I really think he's a keeper."
"Thanks dad! It means a lot that you like him. He adores you! I think I really love him." I smile and look over at Tom very enthusiastically waving his arms around as he tells a story to the group surrounding him. He looks like an idiot, but he's my idiot.

"We should get back to the party. I hope your having a good time al."
"I am, thanks dad!"
He walks off to rejoin the group he was talking to.

We spend the rest of the night chatting to people. I get a chance to catch up with what's basically my second family and Tom gets a chance to meet everyone.
It's midnight by the time we leave. We say goodbye to everyone and head back to the hotel. I'm exhausted, the jet lag is really hitting me.
I end up falling asleep in the car on the way back. My head on Tom's shoulder.

He doesn't bother trying to wake me when we get to the hotel, he just picks me up and carry's me to my room.
Once we get in he lays me on my bed and takes off my shoes. He covers me up with a blanket and kisses my forehead. Just as he's about to leave, I stretch out my arm and grab his hand. "Stay" I say, though it's practically a whisper it's so quiet.
"Okay" Tom says.

He goes into my bathroom. While he's in there, I sleepily slip out of my clothes and pull on one Tom's old T-shirt's. I crawl back under the sheets and snuggle into the pillows.
A few minutes later Tom returns from the bathroom. He smells like peppermint and when I open my eyes I see he's only in his boxers.
He climbs into the bed next to me and wraps his arms around me. I rest my body against his and breathe him in.
"I love you" He whispers
"Love you too" I mumble back   sleepily.
After that we fell asleep cuddled together under the sheets.

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