chapter: 24

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Rumours have been spreading like wild fire. Everyone has their theories about what happened. Was it a suicide attempt? Was it an accident?
It's exhausting keeping up with all the new theories. Some of them are so ridiculous it's funny. One article said I was pregnant and was in hospital following a miscarriage. Another article said I had the baby but gave it up for secret adoption! I'm not ready to share my story yet. I don't feel obliged to either.
Tom and I have spent the last month refurbishing our new house. It's looking really lovely and it feels like a proper home. Tom leaves for his press tour for civil war in March so we're trying to get as much done as we can.
Our bedroom, living room and kitchen are basically finished. We're working on the guest bedroom right now. By guest we basically mean Harrison's room.

I'm currently laying on our king size bed and cuddling milo. I have a really bad cramp and don't wanna move, ever.
"Hey Al, can you come here a sec?!" Tom calls to me from the kitchen.
"Uhhh... Can you come to me?"
"Not really. Can't you just come here for a sec?"
"Ugh.... fine!"
I roll off the bed, trying to move as little as possible.
I hobble down the hallway to the kitchen. When I open the door I'm met with Tom holding a very large, very heavy looking cardboard box.

"What in the name of God is that?!"
"I don't know it just arrived and I picked it up to carry it in, but I think I pulled something and now I can't move."
"Oh shit! Here let me help you." I grab the bottom of the box and try to ease it out of Tom's arms. It weighs a ton.
"What the hell is in this?!!"
I slide the box onto the floor between us.

"Ahh thank you." Tom sighs. He hobbles over to the sofa and lies down.
"Where hurts?" I ask.
"My back."
"Here, turn over." I move towards him and sit next to him. He carefully turns over onto his stomach. I run my fingers down his back until I reach the hem of his t-shirt. I lift it gently and he helps me pull it off. I'm now staring at his bare, toned back. His muscles move gently as he breathes. God this man is hot.

I run my fingers down his back putting pressure on particular spots and asking if it hurts.
"How about here?" I ask pushing gently to the right of his spine.
"Ow, shit, right there fuck." He exclaims.
I move to kneel over him and starting gently massaging the tender spot on his back. I can feel the knot in his muscles and try to alleviate some of the pain.
Tom visibly relaxes under my touch.
"That feels so good Ali, Thank you."
I kiss his back and move off him.
"So much better, you're magic."
"What can I say? I give the best massages in London!"
"That much you've definitely proved." Tom laughs, turning over to face me. He sits up slightly and reaches out to pull me onto his lap.
I wince slightly as he pulls me down. My stomach is still killing me. I hate menstruating.
"Hey, you okay love?"
"Ya I'm fine I've just got a cramp."
"Aww darling why didn't you say? I wouldn't have made you lift that heavy box if I knew you were in pain!"
"It's fine Tom really, speaking of that box we never discovered what's in it!"
"Oh right!"
We stand up and Tom tenderly kisses my forehead to try and comfort me.

We move back to the box and Tom gets a knife to open it.
"What the fuck?!"Tom exclaims.
"Who sent this?"
Inside the box we find a large, white, babies crib.
"Hold on there's a note." Tom holds up a small white card. "To Ali and Tom, congratulations on your baby. Lots of love,
your number one fan."
"These rumours are really getting out of hand!"
"How did they even get our address?"
"I don't know but this is kind of sweet in a way."
"Wait, you're not... you know... are you?"
"You're not pregnant... right?"
"Oh My God Tom No!!"
"Oh okay good, I mean not that I don't want kids I just fuck. I didn't mean it like that I just mean I don't think we're ready for that right now. I'd be with you all the way if you were though. Just so you know."
I laugh at his adorable awkwardness.
"I know baby, don't worry you're not gonna be a dad too soon!"
"You'll make a great mum someday, you know that?"
"You'll make an amazing dad someday Tommy."
Tom leans in and pulls me into a hug.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask.
"Whatever you want darling."
"Okay, what do we do with this though." I point to the crib in front of us."
"We could just put it in the guest room for now."
"That's sure to freak Haz out. Let's do it!"
Tom laughs "You're evil Ali Downey."
"Mmm you know you love it Holland."

We settle in and put on Love,Rosie.
I love this movie so much and force Tom to watch it. He doesn't really mind, he likes seeing me happy.
Tom snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me flush against his still bare chest. I lean back into him and pull a blanket over us.

I decide to make a post on instagram. I'm not gonna make a statement I just wanna clear up some rumours.

 I'm not gonna make a statement I just wanna clear up some rumours

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alidowney: Y'all, I'm not pregnant. Please stop sending us baby stuff, it's sweet but unnecessary. Thank you.

lilablackwell98: damn, I was gonna be the coolest aunt 🥺
          hazosterfield: @llilablackwell98 we'd be the best godparents.
          tomholland2013: you'd probably drop it @hazosterfield.
          alidowney: he's got a point @hazosterfield @tomholland2013.

robertdowneyjr: I would've hoped for a phone call if you were.
         alidowney: you would've been the first to know papa 💕

sebastianstan: thank god, one Tom is more than enough.
          anthonymackie: I agree.
          tomholland2013: I'm hurt, truly. You'd love another me right love? @alidowney.
          alidowney: whatever you wanna think baby
          tomholland2013: 🥺
          alidowney: I'm joking darling please stop sulking.

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