Chapter Six

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"Please let me out... I won't run. I promise." He pleaded, tugging at his collar. The room was cold and dimly lit, no windows whatsoever to let in the bright sun and fresh air that he missed so much. A tall light skinned man with long and messy hair stood up from his work desk. He walked over to young boy and smiled. "Dear nephew haven't you learned? You are never leaving. Not until I find out what gives you these amazing powers that is." He said looking down at his paperwork. "I already told you Uncle Nick, it was a side effect!" He said in a desperate tone. "Your father never kept any of his documents on the serum, idiot. I guess we'll just have run some more test's." Nicholas said giving Beast Boy a joker type smile. "No! No more! Please no more..." Beast Boy yelled, eyes wide with fear. He moved all the way to the back of his cage and tried to stay away from his uncle. Nicholas pulled him out of the cage with little to no trouble, he strapped the scared 10 year old onto the cold metal table. Beast Boy cried and struggled to free himself, but it was no use, Nicholas was much bigger and stronger than him. Nicholas picked up a clear bottle with a brown liquid and poured a little onto a small cloth, he rubbed the cloth on Beast Boy's rib cage. It sent a tingling sensation through his body, which scared him even more. Nicholas laughed as he watched his nephew struggle against restraints.

He was a cold hearted man. His entire being was filled with hate for his younger brother Mark, and once he died, all that hate manifested itself into his nephew. He would have loved nothing more than to throw him in the flames and watch him slowly burn to death as he yelled out in pain. But he could do no such thing, he needed Beast Boy, he needed to find out what gave him his powers. He envied his nephew, why was he given this amazing gift? He doesn't even know how to use them properly! The jealousy was overwhelming. "Stop squirming, you'll pull a muscle." Nicholas said, smacking Beast Boy's arm. "Please Uncle Nick, I don't wanna do another test." Beast Boy said with fear in his voice and tears running down his face. "Calm down Garfield, this'll hurt a lot, but it'll be over soon." Nicholas said with no emotion, he pulled out a surgical knife and gave Beast Boy a devilish smile. He ran it across his nephews rib cage, Beast Boy screamed in pain. He looked up at the sealing, and there she was in the corner, looking down at him with sorrow. "Help me." He whispered, holding his arm up towards her. She reached out and tried to grab his hand. She tried to move, but she was paralyzed. She watched in horror as Nicholas cut through Beast Boy's skin, blood flowing out of him like a never ending river, he let out a horrific scream before he passed out.

"No!" She screamed as her body jolted up. She looked around and saw her old and familiar room. "A nightmare... It was just a nightmare." She thought to herself. "Then why did it feel so real?" A question that needed an answer, an answer she did not have. Her body refused to allow her to sleep, she tossed and turned but it was no use, it was obvious she wouldn't be getting any type of rest.

Raven made her way into the kitchen, slowly walking through the darkness. She started to prepare her herbal tea, and got out her new mug. "Morning." A dull and groggy voice said from within the darkness. Raven felt her body tense, none of the Titan's ever woke up this early. She turned cautiously, but relaxed once she saw those big and familiar emerald eye's. "Good morning Garfield." She said, returning her attention towards the steaming coffee pot. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked while playing with his tofu. Raven shook her head. "Yeah, me neither. I thought some tofu would help, but it really didn't." He said looking down at his plate. Raven poured the boiling water into her mug, and took a seat across from Beast Boy. She blew lightly to cool down her tea, then brought the mug to her lips and took a few sips. "Why couldn't you sleep?" He asked, rubbing his eye's. "Nightmares." She said calmly. "You wanna talk about it? Maybe it'll make you feel better." He said with sincerity in his voice. Raven shot him a death glare and slamed her mug onto the table. "My feelings are under control." She said in a rude voice. "Rae, I'm just trying to help. I didn't mean to..." He was cut off. "You think I need help? I've been handling myself, by myself for year's." She hissed. She didn't look at him with hate, no, it was something much worse. She looked at him with eyes of heart break. With no cloak, she couldn't hide the tears that ran down her face.

Everyone sat at the table, an awkward silence filled the air. Not one Titan said a word. "Alright, training will start in 10 minutes. I expect everyone to be there." Robin said looking at his teammates, and keeping his eyes specifically on Starfire.

"Today we are having a team bonding activity. Choose you're partners wisely." Robin said as grabbed Starfire's arm and pulled her off to a corner. She rolled her eye's, but followed him willingly. Raven pulled her hood over her head and walked towards Cyborg. "Oh no you don't, we need to talk about this morning." Beast Boy said, resting his arm on her shoulder and looking at her with pleading eyes. "Alright." She said with a shaky voice, unable to look at Beast Boy. "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be?! The robot has feelings too you know!" Cyborg yelled out as he walked towards the door.

"What happened earlier?" He asked laying down on the sandy shore looking at the birds fly by. "I really don't know... I just snapped." Raven said, hugging her knees and looking at the waves. "But why?" He asked, turning his head towards her. "You offered to help me..." She said, never once making eye contact with him. "And that's bad?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "No one's ever cared about me or tried to understand me before. Anyone who has ended up leaving me, or getting hurt because of me." She said hugging herself tighter. Beast Boy looked at her with saddened eyes. "Starfire loves you Rae! The guy's think of you as their little sister, and I... I care about you. Everyone else may have left you, but I, Garfield Mark Logan, vow to never leave your side. No matter how serious the situation may be, I will be by your side 110% of the way. When you think you have nobody else left in this horrible world we live in, I'll still fight right by your side in all the darkness. I'll be right by your side Raven, no matter what type of pain I'm in; I'll always be right here." He said, with loving eye's and a caring tone. "How can you be so kind to me, the entire time we've been on this team I've been nothing but a complete bitch to you. Im a freak who's emotionally unstable and obliterates everything in my path. Im the daughter of a demon war lord, i was never meant to be treated with the love of everyone on this team." She said biting her lip and pulling her hood over her face. "Are you a bitch? 99% of the time, yes, mostly to me. I annoy the living crap out of you and try to get you to smile, then you insult me and tell me to grow up. But that's just how our friendship works, thats how we work; and to be honest i wouldn't trade it in for anything else in the world. Your father may be a demon war lord, but that doesn't define you. Your actions define who you are. You may not be human, but you're by far the most humane person on this team. You may have the devil's DNA within you, but you're far from the devil. You put other's before yourself, you fight everyday to save innocent people, you fight yourself every minute of everyday. You're not a freak, creepy? Yes, but definitely not a freak. You don't want love? Well though luck sweetheart, that's what you've got. We all love you, myself included." He said, pulling her hood off and brushing some of her hair out of her face. They looked at each other, with glazed eye's. Both teen's leaned in, closed their eye's, and hesitated for a moment. BAM! The door swung open and Cyborg stepped out. "Robin wants us all downstairs. Sorry for interrupting." He said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Well i guess we better get going huh?" Beast Boy said laughing awkwardly. As he was getting up Raven grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. She leaned in slowly, he grabbed her cheek and pulled her towards him. They kissed for awhile, both hesitant then finally giving into one another. They pulled away, resting their heads on one another's, Beast Boy grabbed Raven's face and kissed her on the forehead. "Stop kissing her and come downstairs." Robins voice yelled over the intercom.

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