Chapter Seven

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The doors to the main room swung open, as Beast Boy and Raven made their way to the rest of their teammates. "Hey Robbie, what's goi..." he stopped and looked at the flat screen, his heart dropped, and he felt all the blood drain from his body.

He couldn't believe his eye's, but there it was, right infront of him. He watched in disbelief as the very village in South Africa that he was raised in, the same village his parents loved, the village that held so much meaning to him be burned to the ground. People of the village were running for their lives, babies were crying in the background, some animals howled out in pain. It wasn't hard to tell that this had barley happened. Starfire cursed something in Tamaranian under her breath, Robin maintained a straight poker face but tightened his grip on the handles of his seat. The video went on, showing nothing but destruction.

"We need to find out who the fuck sent this to us. And when we do, we need to take them down." Robin said facing his teammates, who all nodded in agreement.

"Is this thing still on?" A deep voice asked. The camera shaked up and down as if saying yes. "Okay good. Hello Titans." A tall, light skinned, muscular middle aged man with long messy hair stood infront of the camera. He had a devilish smile and his eye's were filled with excitement. Beast Boy let out a deep growl that sent chills down even Raven's back.

"My name is Nicholas Garrity, you don't know me yet, but you will. You see, you have something that belongs to me, and I intend to get it back on way or another." He said, in calm and almost relaxed tone. "This is the village that Garfield grew up in. This is also the village of his beloved friend King Tawaba, and these are his people." Garrity smiled and opened his arms out wide, showing all the bodies that went up in flames along with the rest of the village. Nicholas snapped his fingers, and some men dressed in all black with skie masks threw a mans body on the floor. The man had both his arms and legs tied, he had a black hood over his face and multiple cuts on his chest. Nicholas bent down, and the camera moved with him. He removed the mans mask, and smiled devilishly at the camera. Beast Boy felt his heart drop and all the blood drain from his body.

"Why don't you tell Garfield and the rest of the Titans hello, they're all watching this, live." He said with great pleasure in his eye's, pointing at the camera. "Do you have a message for your dear friend?" Garrity added. "Garfield, if you are watching this, I don't want you to feel bad for me. Soon I will be with my people, I will be at peace." The king said with kindest smile. "I'm so proud of the man you are becoming. You have the purest heart I've ever seen. You've made your parents, Rita, Mento and myself so proud. Nicholas is working with some dark forces to find you, the magic around him is strong. But there's no need to be afraid, I sense an even stronger source of magic within that house. The mistress of dark magic has a kind heart, she's an old soul, wise beyond her year's. I believe she will protect you all, she has yet to realize the strength of her powers. However, you all must be careful, he's going to do everything in his power to find and harm you. Although I do not believe in violence, I hope you find him and kill him Garfield. Goodbye dearest friend." The king said, he closed his eyes and smiled. Nicholas pulled out his gun and shot King Tawaba, the kings head flew back and the sound of the gunshot echoed. "Noooo!" Beast Boy screamed, tears streaming down his face. Starfire gasped and covered her face as Cyborg pulled her into a hug and turned his head away from T.V.

"You better all hide Titans, because until you had over my nephew, I will personally be going after everything and everyone you've ever loved. So gather your team Boy Wonder, because I'm coming for you, all of you." He said smiling, the village still on flames in the background with King Tawaba's lifeless body layed on the floor. Nicholas laughed and walked away, and with that the video ended.

Beast Boy felt anger boil up within him, he felt himself losing control again. His breathing became heavy and his eye's grew twice their normal size. "Yo b, you cool man?" Cyborg asked cautiously, putting his arm on beast boy's shoulder. Beast Boy grabbed his hand and twisted his arm with great speed, crushing his robotic circuits in the process. "Beast Boy!" Starfire screamed. Beast Boy came back to his senses, he looked around and saw his friends looking at him with scared and confused faces. "I... I'm sorry." He let go of Cyborgs arm and backed away slowly. "Hey, it's alright man." Cyborg said softly, trying to manage a smile, he held his arm out for Beast Boy, who moved away. "I've gotta go." He said coldly before shifting into a pigeon and flying away. "Will he be okay?" Starfire asked quietly. "Little dude just needs some time, after something like that, I understand why." Cyborg said sympathetically.

"Would you like another piece of pie sir?" A little old lady with chubby cheeks asked kindly, ready to take Beast Boy's plate back to the kitchen. The place was cute, small on the outside, yet roomy and cozy on the inside. There were pool tables towards the middle of room, arcade games in the back, and a huge pizza oven. Beast Boy looked around and saw all these families, laughing, smiling, and having a good time. "Sir?" The sweet little old asked awkwardly, clearing her throat. "Oh sorry, I don't have any more money on me." He said, looking out the winow, watching people hide from the rain. "Get him another of whatever he just had and get me an herbal tea. Thank you." Said a calm and familiar voice. "What are you doing here Raven?" He asked, not meaning to sound rude. "Robin left to evidence room to do God knows what, Star locked herself in her room, Cyborg is busy fixing his arm and all the circuit's, and you're here drowning your pain in pie. I needed to get out and thought you might want some company." She answered. "Oh shit, I forgot about his arm. I feel like a dick." He said, rubbing his head. "It wasn't your fault, he understands why you did what you did. We all do." She said getting her tea and thanking the old lady.

"Hey man, how's everything going? Need some help or something?" Cyborg asked leaning against the door frame of the evidence room. "Nah man, it's fine. Actually. . . yeah, come here." Robin said, never taking his eye's off the computer screen. "What's this?" Cyborg asked, leaning on the table. "Everything i could find on this Nicholas guy. He's a biologist, just like Beast Boy's parents, but he got kicked out of almost every facility he worked out for running cruel and unusual tests on the animals. He just disappeared after the authority's starting looking for him." He said still scrolling down the never ending pictures of all the disturbing pictures of the animals. "There man, turn that shit off!" Cyborg said, turning his head to avoid looking at another picture. "All right, all right." Robin said, closing down that page. "We need to get the sick basterd." Cyborg said in the most serious tone he's used for a while. "We will, but he knows us all too well. We'll need some outside help." Robin said, walking out towards the main room. "You're going to contact the league?" Cyborg asked. "Not exactly. " Robin answered quickly.

"Am I wrong for feeling the way I do?" she asked innocently, throwing herself ontop of her pink mattress. "Oh Silky! I am the most confused I have ever been!" She said, picking up her teddy bear and holding it close to her chest. "I do love Robin, but after all that he has done, I'm not sure if I'm still in love with him. Surly if I was in love I wouldn't have gotten the 'crush' for speedy so quickly." She said still hugging her teddy bear.

Every Titans communicators went off simultaneously. Everyone checked, it was Robin. "Team meeting in 15 minutes, don't be late."

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