Christmas: Part Two

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Once Christmas lunch was finished, Harry, the Weasleys and the other Order members were discussing a trip to visit Mr.Weasley in the hospital. The trip would be tricky, as they couldn't be spotted leaving Grimmauld Place as the way they were. A dirty man named Mundungus, (who much to Cedric's surprise was part of the order), had no doubt stolen a car for the occasion, but it was the best way of transportation.  Cedric, as much as he loathed St.Mungo's and the idea of visiting on Christmas day, he was going with the people he cared about, for a person they cared about. He could push through it in order to be supportive and a good friend.

        So with everyone dressed and ready to go, piled into the car that was charmed to fit everyone inside. Cedric was made to get in first, with the difficulty of crutches. He sighed, hating the feeling that he was a holdup and weight to the group. Hermione got in next to him and took his hand, sensing his uncomfortability with space and the people. He appreciated any gesture from her and found that it relaxed him quite quickly.

        Once the car was filled, the drive began. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were talking quietly while Molly's eyes darted around the interior of the car. It was obvious she preferred magical transportation and was feeling just as trapped and unbelonging as Cedric did. Her hands were tightly clasped together around her new purple purse she had received from Lupin and her lower lip was between her teeth.

        Ron was watching Hermione all too much, so Cedric pulled her closer, slipping an arm around her waist protectively and pulling her closer. Ron's eyes darkened and he looked elsewhere, which was the point of Cedric's actions. Hermione, who wasn't completely daft, picked up on the exchange and frowned. She hated that they didn't get along. Ron was her best friend, he was like her brother, as was Harry. Cedric was Cedric, Cedric was her boyfriend, who didn't get along with her other best friend. Ron was still jealous and the last thing Hermione wanted was another brawl to happen between the boys she cared about. She couldn't help it if Ron was jealous and angsty, she couldn't help it if Cedric was protective of her. The best thing she could do was shoot Ron an apologetic look.

        The ride was quick and soon the group was inside St.Mungo's. The stale smell that usually lingered in Cedric's nose was surprisingly replaced with the smell of Christmas. It was a warm and comfy feeling the hospital supplied, decorated with shiny baubles, long stretches of streamed garland, mystical white orbs, and magical snow that floated down from the ceiling and disappeared before you could wish to touch it. It felt different, so Cedric pretended it was as he followed the Weasleys. He could have led them there himself if they asked, as he spent days, weeks, cooped up in his room there as the healers studied him, studied how he could have partially survived the Killing Curse.

        Hermione walked with Ron and Harry, which Cedric tried not to mind as he fell behind the group. His inner thoughts may have sounded selfish if they were said aloud, but the truth was Hermione was the only person who ever really thought to keep to Cedric's pace. And now people had walked in front of him and he lost sight of the group. He sighed, collecting the apologies from the witches who had cut him off but stared after him amourously. It was okay, Hermione had friends, she had a life without Cedric. He didn't mind her being friends with Ron and Harry in the slightest, but something about the way she hadn't glanced back to check if he was there made his Christmas spirit deflate a bit.

        Hermione was arguing with Ron, which of course was what took her attention away from everything else.

     "I'm only saying, your father should consider being treated the muggle way, with stitches." Hermione reasoned, using her hands to gesture. "They're painless if the right spell is used to numb and the skin heals itself over time, the healthiest way possible, even in the wizarding world."

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