Chapter Twenty-Two: Christmastime Conflict

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December was cold, much colder than Cedric remembered. Maybe, partially, it was the inability to run or do jumping jacks to warm himself up that made him so cold when winter came around. Time moved so quickly it was hard to keep up with anything anymore.

      "'Time flies when you're having fun'," Scott said in his mother's high-pitched Scottish voice. The two boys were laying on Cedric's king-sized head boy bed in his yellow and black themed bedroom. Cedric was telling, or rather, ranting to Scott about how things were going with Hermione. The two of them (Cedric and Hermione), never fought, only unless it was over something jokingly, as a debate topic. Hermione was getting used to Cedric having so many girls as friends and learned to better control her 'addiction'. Mostly, he spent the time with Scott describing kissing Hermione, which Scott girlishly loved.

      "It really doesn't feel like Christmas," Cedric complained, stretching his arms upward. "Speaking of, what are you getting Mari?"

     Scott groaned at the topic, "Truth is, I asked my mum what to get her, then ordered from a catalogue. I got Mari new perfumes, a journal, some sparkly bracelets and hair clips to match. It cost more than you think, I'm practically broke now. Girlfriends, right?"

         "Right," Cedric agreed, though he had purchased Hermione's Christmas present all the way back in September when they were barely even friends. The present was costly, but in Cedric's family, the amount wasn't very much. Whereas Scott's family was less fortunate and the amount spent on Mari had an impact. Hermione's present sat in his top drawer, a dazzling turquoise box that held something expensive, along with something more meaningful. "Do you think Mari will care what she gets, really?"

       "She told me it didn't matter, but she was getting something for me, so of course I had to get her something to not be an awful person. I will not have her break up with me over my little amount of money." Scott said, rubbing his eyes.

       Cedric was more than exhausted- yesterday he had spent assigned to decorate the castle for Christmas. He had expected it to put him in the Christmas mood, but alas, it had not and now his muscles were tired from saving Ron from Peeves who had tried to strangle him with a line of tinsel while laughing like a horse (braying?). Ron was grateful but glared when Hermione took Cedric's hand and lead him away. Hermione and Harry were spending the holidays at Ron's house, so he'd have plenty of time with her away from Cedric, so that must have been what stopped Ron from a snide comment being said.

       "Cedric, you're quiet..." Scott spoke again, wearily. "What's on your mind?"

          He checked the clock on his wall quickly- it was nearing eight o'clock. "I'm supposed to meet Hermione... Sorry, Scott. I have to go. I'll be back later, we can resume our talk then, okay?"

      "What talk?" Scott laughed. Cedric's lips fought back a smile while he stripped off the sweater he wore over his white dress shirt. He remembered Luna Lovegood's advice. 'If I were her I'd tell you to wear a cotton shirt for once in your life'. He was seeing Luna, as he lied to Scott about where he would be due to a meeting of the DA's. "Woah, mate. I have a girlfriend."

       "You wish I was stripping!" Cedric laughed, moving to his dresser and searching for something that wasn't too fancy. He was already wearing jeans. He didn't seem to own anything other than the white cotton t-shirt he wore to bed. "Scott, can I borrow a shirt? I need to look more casual and less... 'fashion-forward'. Have anything that'll help?"

        Scott was up and out the door in seconds. He returned moments later and threw a light grey cotton t-shirt at Cedric. Scott was a little less muscular in the chest than Cedric was, so the shirt was the tiniest bit small on Cedric when he took off his shirt and replaced it with the grey one. He thanked Scott quickly, clapped him on the back and hurried out as fast as his crutches would take him. He was going to be late and hoped nobody would mind.

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