Chapter Thirty-One: Insecurities of The Best

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Hermione and a very tired Molly were close to finishing the dishes and were having a lovely little chat about the events that weren't so dark. It was only then when Molly cracked the subject of Cedric.

       "So, how did you two meet?" Molly asked, scrubbing away at a plate, turning her head to Hermione for only a moment.

          "Cedric and I?"

    "Yes, dear. How did you meet?"

     Hermione smiled, "Well, the first official meeting was the Quidditch World Cup last year when we met up with Mr.Diggory. I recall Cedric leaped down from a tree to greet us all and he shook my hand and introduced himself. He then went on to date Cho Chang... I didn't think much of it, it didn't bother me. I had Krum for a bit... then Cedric almost died and he was the talk of the school for a good few weeks. I was worried, as any other student would be. Then... the first day of the fifth year comes around and he's Head Boy, I'm a Prefect. And he showed interest in being friends and things... moved from there."

        Molly laughed, "Quite the story you have there. You know, I see the way he looks at you when you're unaware." Molly nudged Hermione's arm making her blush. Molly then lowered her voice to a whisper, "Has he told you he loves you, yet?"

      Hermione then turned crimson. Her cheeks burned with heat. "No- no, not yet."

        "Ah," Molly nodded. "Well, we'll have to wait and see. He looks at you with such romance in his eyes is he any part French or Italian?"

         "A bit of both, I think..." Hermione answered, trying to contain her smile and blush.

       Molly hummed, her voice gaining pitch, "The romance countries! Dear Merlin, Hermione, you have got a man on your arm. I think you've really found your luck, finding Cedric. He's been nothing but full of manners since he's arrived, such a good man, plus, I see the way Ron glares at him and he handles it quite well, all considered. I've also seen how respectful he is of you, and that, I think, is the most important of them all. He is handsome, kind, thoughtful, intelligent, and well-mannered. Great catch, love."

     Hermione tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled harder now. Cedric was a great catch. And she had just finished the dishes. Molly noticed, then shooed her off, laughing. Hermione hopped upstairs to the landing where Cedric was conversing with Fred and George about something that she didn't quite understand without context. It stopped as soon as Hermione arrived.

        Silently, Cedric stood on his crutches and looked at her, "Where are we going?"

         Hermione took his hands and went a bit down the hall, there was another sitting room there, furnished and warm, a fireplace in the centre, cloths covering the couches. So it was unused, with a magically lit fire. Cedric grinned- somewhere they could go to talk privately, lounge for a bit without Ginny, without Ron's glares, Harry's involvement was good to get away from too. And the door had a lock. Thank Merlin.

      Hermione rid of the covers on the couches and Cedric cast a spell to clear away the dust. The couches were velveted and soft, and Cedric enjoyed flopping down on one. Hermione sat next to him, so Cedric allowed himself to lean back and lay his head on her lap. Hermione stroked through his hair and Cedric shut his eyes. Finally, they were alone with no trouble and no worries.

         "What were you talking about with Fred and George?" Hermione asked, giggling. "I'm not sure what it was but I was able to notice how abruptly you all went silent."

         Cedric shook his head, grinning, "I won't say."

       Hermione stuck out her bottom lip. "Talking about girls... breasts... er-" she paused to laugh at her extended, odd-said guesses. Cedric laughed with her, rubbing his face.

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