Chapter Nineteen: The DA and Hermione's Addiction

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Cedric had signed the paper, he had joined Harry's personal Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It was interesting to think about, the defiance of the Ministry's curriculum. Hermione, as a leader. He stepped out of Hufflepuff in his usual black turtleneck and khakis, feeling quite nice after being able to control his hair. The first meeting of the group was at eight, but Hermione wished to have him meet them (Hermione, Harry, and Ron), before then. He met them at the top of the stairs to the seventh floor, fairly excited to somewhat break the rules.

        "Evening, Diggory," Ron said glumly as he stepped up the final few moving stairs "Fancy meeting you here."

          "Ron," Cedric nodded and shot him a smile in response, cheekily. Hermione rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest. Cedric was only partly sure she had told them about how she and Cedric were officially together, so he continued to stand off from her as he greeted Harry with a handshake and a slighted hug. "Do you know where we're headed?"

        "I have an idea," Harry answered, traversing down the hall. Ron kept up with him, but Hermione stayed behind them with Cedric who (much to his own disliking) had his own pace.

        Cedric stopped for a moment to brush a strand of Hermione's hair out from her face and kiss her forehead before continuing on wordlessly. Hermione appreciated the syllove of Cedric's actions, as he did it so quickly, so unthought, so casually, it made her blush. They ventured through the halls, following Harry until they reached a rather peculiar tapestry of trolls attempting ballet. Cedric watched Hermione pace, the tip of her finger pressed against her bottom lip. Cedric smiled at her nervous habits.

        "Okay," Harry said. "Dobby said to walk past this wall three times, concentrating hard on what we need. Cedric, stand back for a moment?"

        Cedric did as told and stepped back a good few feet while the three of them paced three times, Ron's face twisted in concentration, Hermione silently walking, Harry with his fists in tight balls at his side. Cedric's eyes widened as a magnificent wooden door appeared on what was just previously a blank wall. It was large, carved beautifully, etched around in the stone of the wall. He stepped forward and nudged Hermione whose eyes flew open.

        "Harry!" She said in astonishment. Harry's eyes opened, along with Ron's. They too saw the magnificent door that stood towering over them. It was polished, clean, stunning, with shiny brass handles. Harry reached out and opened the door, revealing a colossal room. Cedric let out a breathy laugh, staring. He crutched himself inside, not saying anything. The walls were lined with bookshelves, the floors laden with cushions. There were wooden dummies in the corner, along with a range of magical instruments from foe-glass to sneakoscopes.

        "These will be good for practicing stunning," Ron said, picking up a cushion.

        Hermione rushed over to the bookshelves, which made Cedric grin the slightest bit wider. "And just look at these books!" she exclaimed, jumping up a bit and running a finger over the spines of the defence books. She read out the titles with pure love in her voice.  "Harry, this is wonderful, we have everything we need here!"

        Cedric walked over to her and rested his chin on her shoulder while she began to read through Jinxes for the Jinxed. Cedric hardly had words to say, but it was unspoken that he adored her from his wordless emotion. Hermione was comfortable and it was easy to lose herself with both Cedric and a good book in her midst. Harry and Ron were whispering but Hermione wasn't aware. Cedric was, though he chose to ignore them.

        There was a knock on the big door. Cedric's head perked up to see several familiar faces. Dean Thomas, Ginny Weasley, Parvati Patil, and Neville Longbottom. They looked just as wonderstruck as Hermione had.

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