Chapter Thirty-Five: 1996

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The next morning was a bright and busy one. The house was abuzz with a rush and last-minute packing, Fred and George apparating about, Ginny chasing down Crookshanks, Hermione trying to fit all the books she got for Christmas into her tiny little book bag, Ron and Harry waiting for her, nagging her to hurry as they were extremely hungry. Molly was always busy, so naturally, Cedric was also in the kitchen helping the poor woman out.

          Molly had been so kind to Cedric his entire stay, from the moment he arrived and he felt (on top of his own manners) that she deserved a bit of help this last morning before everyone was off to Hogwarts again. Molly Weasley finally, after nearly thirty minutes of dishwashing sat down in a chair with a sigh of relief. Cedric smiled at her from where he sat, drying all the dishes one by one and setting them in a stack. She winked back and shut her eyes for a brief moment, taking in the moment before it was gone.

         Nymphadora Tonks, a well-known ex-Hufflepuff chuckled brightly, "Excited to send the children away?" She asked, as she poured herself a bowlful of cereal next to Remus Lupin, who oddly poured his milk in first. Nymphadora Tonks was a graduated Hogwarts student, four years ahead of Cedric. He never knew her well, but he knew of her, the girl who could change her appearance at will. He saw her in the common room, him in his simple second year and her in her sixth. He was only a child then, only twelve. Cedric wondered if she remembered him or if she knew him at all.

           "A bit worried, but relieved." Molly nodded back at Tonks, who was taking her first bite of cereal. "So many ginger children running about I hardly know how to do headcounts anymore. Even with the three extra children that aren't mine, they're all brunettes or close to it"

        Cedric watched Tonk's eyes drift to his hair as she eyed the colour. His own hair was brown, but in the sun shone a brilliant bronze. Tonk's hair was purple, there was nothing more to say, nor was any more description needed.

         "Cedric, how did your lessons go?" Molly then asked, changing the topic to involve the silent Cedric. She looked between Cedric and Remus hopefully wishing one would answer.

           "I'm not there yet, but I can get a sort of blue light to dance around me. It hasn't taken corporeal form just yet, but I am working on it and will continue to in the privacy of my room." Cedric replied, setting the last brown-tinted plate into the pile. "Lupin is a great teacher,-" Cedric started, but turned his head to Lupin, who paused mid-bite. "-I really wish he'd come back to Hogwarts."

         "As much as I'd want to, I'm afraid of what parents may think and how it'll work out for students who plan to attend school and later find out who I am and it either ruins their year or gets them pulled right out of school and to Ilvermorny or worse, Muggle school." Remus shook his head sympathetically at Cedric, who nodded respectfully before his eyes widened.

        He narrowed his brows and yet again, the conversation had turned. "Lupin, how do you mean, 'find out who I am'..."

           "I change form each month when the full moon appears. It's something I wouldn't ever blatantly tell my student, but if they somehow figured out who I was I would not deny that I am indeed a werewolf. I personally do not care for that side of me, but I do what I can. You're mature enough to take in this information now, I'd think. Cedric? It's 1996, a new year... I should open up more."

        Cedric was not surprised, but at the same time, he still was. It was rumoured Lupin was a werewolf of some sort and Cedric had chosen to think it was just some immature theory made by ever-imagining children. It sounded as absurd as saying Dumbledore was a troll in disguise. But Lupin really was what they said and now Cedric had to process this in his own head and not aloud. He wondered who else actually knew? Did Harry, Ron, Hermione?

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