This.. Feeling....

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All five of you were panting from running so fast and your feet still hurt a little bit. Another skeleton walked in the room, but he was taller and he wore an orange hoodie. Everybody looked up at him except you, you were a bit weak from the pain. He just stood there and eventually he said "You know what, I'm not even gonna ask." Ink stood up. "Good, because it's a long story." Blue got up as well. Then a human walked in to see what was going on, the human wore a green shirt with a yellow stripe going across their stomach. "Human!" Blue said excitedly. "This might be a bit hard to explain! Heheh." The human had noticed you and how tired you looked. "Follow me, the magnificent Sans will explain everything!!" He said as he walked past them. They took another worried and confused look at you, and then followed after him. Dream and Jess looked back at you. "You okay (Y/N)?" Jess asked. "I'm-..... I'm fine." You said through slow breaths. Dream looked at Ink who was sitting on a couch. Ink shrugged his shoulders cause he didn't know what to do. Dream sighed and stood up. "Here, follow me." He said kindly while holding his hand out for you. You grabbed his hand and he helped you up, you felt warm when you touched hands. It was a weird feeling. You both walked next to eachother. Jess stood up and looked after you guys, worried. "Hey, wanna sit down?" Ink asked. "Oh! Uh, sure." She responded and sat down next to him and he started to make conversation and they both talked with eachother. "Hey, Blue?" Dream asked as he held you. Blue just finished explaining to the human what had happened. "Yes, Dream?" Blue said, you and the human made eye contact for a moment. "She might need a bed to sleep in. Is there like a guest room here?" Dream asked. The human tugged at Blue's shirt and whispered in his ear. "Good idea human!" He said. "Chara has an extra bedroom for when they visit! They can share the two beds in there!" Chara nodded. Dream sighed. "Good." He smiled. "I'll come in the morning to make sure everything is okay." He said. "Where are you going? You can't stay for a little longer?" Blue asked. "Well I can, but-" "Dream you must relax every once in awhile! It's not healthy to keep worrying about everything!" Blue cut him off before he could speak. Dream stayed silent, and then he sighed. "Alright. I guess I could stay for the night." He said, actually looking a bit tired. You had to be honest, you didn't really want him to leave either.. for some reason. You noticed him looking at you, and your heart jumped as you looked back at him. "I did want to ask you a few questions though." He said. You felt nervous, was it nervous? No it wasn't nervous it was more like.. Happy?? That didn't make sense. Blue looked at the both of you for a moment. "Alright human! Go take the other human to your room. I have to make dinner!" Chara nodded and looked up at you. Blue walked out of the room and Dream followed after him. Dream looked back at you for a second, but then he continued walking. You looked at Chara who turned around and gestured you to follow them. You both walked up the stairs to an open door. You sat down on a plain white bed as Chara closed the door. They climbed onto the plain bed instead of the other bed and they started at you for a moment. But then they put they're hand out near their chest and a Soul appeared. It was red and glowing. Chara pointed at the soul and then at you and then they tilted their head. "Huh? Oh, yeah I have a soul." You said, assuming they couldn't talk or they just wouldn't. Your soul appeared, again with the seven colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, dark blue, light blue, and purple. Chara looked fascinated with it, and they came closer to get a closer look at it. Chara looked up at you, a bit of confusion in her expression "I honestly don't know why it has multiple colors." You said noticing her expression. The door creaked open, and you both looked over at it. Dream walked in and Chara pointed to the soul smiling. Dream suddenly had an amazed look on his face. He came closer to you and started at the soul for a moment, deep in thought. Blue and Papyrus poked their heads in the room. "Hey guys dinner is re..." Blue stopped, noticing your soul. "R-Ready..." he muttered. Papyrus looked suprised as well. Chara smiled at them and Blue spoke. "Well I was told your soul was unique but I didn't know it would look like this!" He said with a smile. Dream looked up at you. "You have all seven if them." He said, his tone hard to understand. "What do you mean by that?" Papyrus asked. "All seven colors. All seven traits. Determination," As he pointed at the red, your soul glowed red. "Bravery," it glowed orange. "Justice, Kindness, Integrity, Patience, and Perseverance." The soul glowed each color as he named them. "What does that mean?" You asked. "It means your soul is very very powerful. It means you're very powerful.. more than you think." You didn't know how to react, is this why those guys wanted your soul? Is this why they're protecting you?... so many questions....

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