#3: The Beginning of Freedom Above

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Kronos blinked when he saw his wife and a raven-haired girl walking in the palace. They both looked scruffy and tired, but were smiling at a joke. Wait, he remembers those features.

"The Devil is back?" He ignored the servants as he sat on his throne.

"He's my Father? You said you had good tastes" The devil said.

"I do." Rhea gave her an unimpressed look and turned back to Kronos. "Her name is Poseida, if you ever bothered to ask."

"I didn't" Poseida snorted at something, her hands in her pockets. Kronos was starting to like her even less now, but he couldn't do anything to her, he did not want to be ripped to pieces again thank you very much.

"I know, now let's get Poseida cleaned up and then family dinner. Okay?" She wasn't really asking, Kronos could tell from her eyes.

"Why?" Poseida apparently didn't see it or have any preservation instinct.

"Because we must catch up on lost time"

"Can we do it when it's dark, the sun hurts my eyes" She rubbed them absentmindedly.

"Sure, we will do it in the inside dining room."

"You have more than one dining room?"

"You know what that is?" She was raised where there wasn't any sort of education.

"Of course, they weren't that mean, well after I earned their respect, but that is none of your business." She replied as a cheeky little brat.

"Come on. Kronos, clean up your attitude." She grabbed their daughter's hand, forgetting about Poseida's reflexes. Poseida reversed their grip and turned to where she had Rhea in a headlock from behind. Poseida didn't seem to realize she did it until after.

"Sorry!" She let go and backed a few paces.

"It's fine, let's go. Kronos, you better be there." She shot over her shoulder.


It was a few years before Rhea trusted him and the devil enough to be out of the room for a few minutes. He let it happen a few times before she seemed satisfied. Then after that, he finally got rid of her for good.

"You two behave." His wife told him and his daughter threateningly.

"Fine mom" Poseida sighed. Rhea looked at him, seemingly finding her sarcastic answer enough, but when Kronos did it, he gets the glare of death.

"We will" Rhea didn't trust that, but she already promised her sister that she would come.

Finally! Kronos waited a good 10 minutes before he lunged at Poseida, determined to catch her off guard. After not being in danger for so long and no one was attacking her, her lightning fast instincts dulled and she was caught off guard.

"What do you want?" Her voice was low, like Rhea's when she was about to attack him.

"To do something that I will never regret [Dude, you just doomed yourself *facepalm that can me felt even in another dimension*]" He hauled her to the same exact chasm he did many years ago and threw her in, satisfied. He then tried to come up with a plan that didn't involve him being ripped to shreds again.

The Son of Tartarus and Rhea: PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now