#4: Poseida and Percy should really stop hanging around each other -Tartarus

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Percy stood on the cliff with his sister and remembered the first time they met. It was short and awkward and neither of them knew what they were doing.


Perseus walked behind his father as the ruler told him how they were going to rule the world [Seriously people, get original!].

"Then we will-" He was interrupted by someone falling on him.

"So we meet again" He could hear the panic in her voice as he studied her. She looked like him, human skin and nothing else, no mutations or animal parts.

"I thought you would be gone for good you meddling little girl!" His father bellowed. The girl's eyes widened and she ran, grabbing his arm in the process. They jumped off one of the many cliffs, the only thing saving them from falling to their deaths was Percy.

"Are you mad? Wait, everyone here is, but that's not my point. Who are you? Why did you bring us off that cliff? Lastly, why did you bring me?"

"I'm sooo sorry," She mocked, her long black hair falling sideways as the earth stabilized them once again. "I didn't mean to come back here." She looked at the chaos under them, her shoulder shaking slightly. "As for the questions, my name is Poseida, I panicked and you looked familiar and again, I was panicked. It's not everyday you get dragged into your worst nightmare again." She glared at the darkness, anger resurfacing.

It's not her fault her father is an idiot and hates her. Well, the last part is her fault, but whatever. She didn't ask for this at all, especially not to be back in a place like this now that she knew what the upper world looked and felt like. She missed the sun glaring at her back and giving her sunburns, wrestling her cousins in the grass of the fields and not having to look behind your back every second because you have a gut feeling something will happen if you don't.

"Woah, calm down" Percy stumbled as the earth beneath them shook. Poseida raised her eyebrow as the earth shook harder, the water in it rising and swirling around her.

"Who are you anyway? Why were you with Tartarus? Are you on his side or the monsters?" Percy felt himself start to suffocate when he looked into her anger-filled eyes without flinching. He tried to look away, but the hurricane in them kept him from doing so. He felt freezing water wrap around his body, like Kampe's wip when someone displeased her/when the Cyclops acted up.

"My name is Percy, he is my father, and I don't know?" He managed to get out. The water let him go and soaked back into the dry earth as Poseida narrowed her eyes, but Percy was released from the hurricane in her eyes. "Do you want to go back up? It's kinda awkward here" She shrugged and looked down. "I'm going to have to shift your center of gravity a few times." Without waiting for her response, he changed their center of gravity to the way they were standing.

Shifting your actual center of gravity was not fun at all. It felt worse than that one time Poseida fell into the River Styx during a battle. Now, that was definitely not fun at all.

"Ugh" She almost puked and steadied herself, reaching for the water around her to steady herself, thanking Chaos for the air to be really humid in the pit. It was the one and only time she was going to thank him instead of curse him and the fates, so don't go looking for more. She looked around where she fell and looked for the scythe she managed to grab as she was thrown and smirked at the hell she knew Kronos would pay. "Where is your father now?"

"Uh, good question, probably killing some monsters judging by how he looked when you fell on him. Where did you come from anyway?"

"The upper world. I'm guessing you're my little brother from mom's side. She was talking about a Perseus, and I'm guessing Percy is short for that?" He winced.

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