#6: The Aftermath and Age of the Gods

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Slight trigger warning. It implies things that may trigger you, so please tread with caution. If you are triggered, please skip the part where it starts to talk about the Medusa incident until the line break after the one for that section (** will be surrounding the ones you should skip.) They don't go into detail, but might imply somethings, Please stay safe and heed my caution.


After the war and a funeral for Percy, the gods built Mount Olympus. The hundred-handed ones, Cyclops, and Poseida collected the materials with Poseida using the powers Percy gave her.*

The others helped construct the actual palace. Zeus wanted it high and mighty, but the others wanted it small and cozy, like an actual home that none of them really had. The compromised and Zeus got his bigger place while it was still homey (Hestia was great at making it like that and asking the titanesses who did fight to help her gather supplies. Zeus was made at her for conversing with those 'traitors' but he shut up when he got glares from Poseida and Hades, daring him to continue speaking.)

The nights were horrible though. The 4 that got swallowed weren't the best in their mental state and kept on dreaming of the darkness there. Poseida slept farther away so she didn't awake them with her screams (they still heard her) and Zeus was fine (lucky him).

"Hello everyone!" It was the day after they finally finished the marble castle. Zeus was being extra loud and annoying that morning because he was in a cheerful mood. He was lucky he had gotten any sleep within the last few months.

"Shut up, dunderhead." Poseida looked really tired as she stood in the camp grounds that they had made when the 6 had started.

"Why? We have finally completed-" He was cut off by Hades walking out of his tent and sending him a dark glare. "Okay. Now, let's move in to see my glorious new palace."

"The first chance I get, I will do two things, 1) knock Zeus out for years with something heavy, like a baseball bat, and 2) move away from him and his 'glorious' place and stay there." Hades and Demeter, who stood next to her agreed. Hera was fawning over their brother like he was her dream boy. Yuck. Hestia was smiling, but there was an edge to it.

The palace was homey with all the furs and warm lights, it made Poseida a bit sleepy, especially by Hestia's fire.

The rooms were comfortable. Hestia's was like mother's private room, warm colors and it felt safe, Demeter's was like a forest and she slept on a bed of grass and dirt (which is comfier than expected) and it felt open, unlike a room is. Hera's was colorful like a peacock, but everything was off and it was cooler, Hades was dark and much like underground, but it felt right. Hers was like the deep ocean, dark and calm but wonderful. Hades had commented that it really felt like he was underwater, Poseida personally liked how relaxing it felt with the dark blue color that was layered and got darker the closer to ground it got. Zeus's was cold and but out, it was off putting and set her on edge, like she was being watched all the time and didn't like it.

They settled with it though because it was now home.


Then became the problem of managing the new world that they fought for. Zeus believed that men should be the only ones mainly in power and put that belief to heart. His siblings (minus Hera, because she is so love-sick that she was blind to everything. Oh how much hurt she would go through because of this), disagree but never really interfered because they had more important things to do.

Zeus was going to make himself ruler of everything, to Poseida's amusement and encouragement. She wanted his ego to suffer as he broke down at the sheer force of paperwork and responsibility that he would have to go through with this decision. Call her a bad sister all you like, it was true and she was going to enjoy it no matter what.

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