#7: Strong arms pulled me up so I can breathe and then this

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Sally Jackson was a hardworking woman and deserved more than she ever got. Losing her parents to a plane crash was very hard to deal with and then going to deal with her sick uncle with no breathing room was hard, but she got through and managed to get some jobs to pay for her apartment and stuff she needed.

She was very stubborn too, if she wasn't, many good things she had now would be beyond her wildest dreams. Especially going to Montauk Beach on her rare vacation days, which brought her to the point in which her life changed for the better.

She had been working on her tan when she decided to go for a swim to cool off from the hot weather. The ocean had medium waves and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, so she and the many others in the water thought they were safe. Until an unexpected riptide hit and Sally was in the middle of it.

A child was caught in it too, her parents were washed away from her so she was alone. Sally made sure she had the girl in a good grip and tried to make her stop thrashing so she could swim them ashore. The kid was understandably not relaxing because she was 3 and probably in her first riptide.

Using the last of her energy, Sally threw the little girl to the side after making sure the girl knew to swim away. Then she had no energy left to stay afloat and succumbed to the waters below.

The last thing she felt was strong arms pulling her up and then nothing.


Poseida came back from visiting her older brother when the fish bombarded her with things about a woman caught in a riptide caused by Triton.

"Uh, I'll be back." She swam off to Montauk Beach, which was a pretty nice beach. Getting there, she saw the woman the fish were talking about and wasted no time helping her. She had a fleeting thought of 'she's cute' before focusing on the task.

Poseida summoned an air bubble for the woman to breathe and used her powers to force the water out of her lungs and put air in. She also forced the cells in the woman's body to continue like normal for the woman to live. Grabbing her from the armpits, she dragged the woman to shore, picking up her legs and carrying her bridal style.

The lifeguard working at the beach during the riptide had already called the ambulance and the emergency services by the time Poseida came up to the top of the beach. The paramedics took the woman and thanked her then left to the nearby hospital.


Sally woke up to a blinding light and the smell of sterilizer. She was in a hospital. So the strong arms pulling her up wasn't an illusion after all.

"Miss. Jackson?" The nurse in the room asked softly. She looked at her but didn't speak because her throat felt like the desert. "Water?" She held the cup up to her lips so Sally could drink. "How do you feel?"

"Better" She croaked out and the nurse smiled and wrote something down.

"You seem well enough to be discharged in a few days. I have to go, but ring the bell if you need me." Sally was left to her own thoughts. How was she supposed to get home? Or pay the bills?

"Hello?" A woman not wearing a nurse's uniform came in. "Miss Jackson?" She looked at Sally.


"May I come in?"

"Sure." The woman came in and stood a bit from the bed and looked a bit uncomfortable.

"I'm Poseida Olympia. I saved you." She started from the awkward silence.

"Thank you for saving me Poseida." Poseida looked hot and Sally was sure she was blushing by now.

"Your welcome" She looked around as the awkward silence filled the room. "UhyourcuteandIwasthinkingmaybewecouldgetsomecoffeesometime?" Her sea-green eyes widened as she figured out that she spilled that out. "Oh gods" She tried hiding her blush as Sally laughed as much as she could without her chest hurting.

"Sure. It's a date" Her eyes widened.

"I actually did that. And managed to pull it off, Hades is going to laugh at me so hard for this." She mumbled and eventually left. Sally smiled and moved a bit to get comfortable as the room grew a bit colder when Poseida left. She did love a good cliche love story and this is definitely a cliche.


Poseida had to punch her brother a few times to get him to stop laughing at her.

"You're worse than I thought" He went back to laughter and she kicked his shin and then punched him harder in the arm, hoping the bruise will stay there for days.

"Your no better with Persephone"

"I still don't blurt out my feelings to someone you've never really met before!" That's it.

"If you don't stop laughing I'm telling Demeter what happened that one time." He knew exactly which one she was talking about and shut up. Poseida smirked in victory as she watched her brother pale at the prospect of their sister knowing what happened that hilarious day.

"Well, I'll leave you hopeless romantic to this and run my kingdom." He waved and left the room. Poseida was left to her thoughts (a very dangerous thing) and then eventually left to take Sally on that date she promised.


Sally loved the time spent with Poseida, she looked so peaceful around her and relaxed, only when she isn't teasing the other woman. Then she was a blushing mess.

Sally once took them to the park at night because that was one of the best places in Manhattan at that time and it was magical. Poseida brought a bouquet of flowers and Sally cut one to put it in her hair when she wasn't paying attention. Poseida looked so cute when she tilted her head a bit and smiled, her long black hair falling down the side and she looked peaceful. Sally ended up taking a picture to keep with her forever.

Poseida worked with the aquatics center to help stop pollution and with her in their staff, they thrived. She was thinking about maybe joining the military before meeting Sally, but stopped so she can have a stable relationship with her. Sally ended up convincing her to sign up and apply. She got in and they celebrated with a select few friends.

Eventually, they both opened up to their problems. Poseida ended up being a goddess and a queen at that. Sally didn't really mind that much because it was just her life and she couldn't really change it.

Their life was perfect and bright until Poseida got pregnant with their child.


"Wait how does this even happen?" One of their friends, Mary, asked as the couple announced their pregnancy.

"A long and complicated process." That was much easier to say than telling the whole truth. Sally knew her friend still was suspicious and probably thought that Poseida was cheating on her, but Poseida promised her she wasn't.


9 months later, they were holding a green-eyed baby boy.

"And what is his name?"

"Perseus, Perseus Jackson" Poseida looked at her girlfriend in shock as she named their son after her brother. Sally had refused to tell her the name she chose and kept it a close secret, which was a good mystery itself but she hadn't expected this.

"That's a good name" The nurse smiled and left.

"Percy for short?" Poseida asked.

"Yup" They sat there as a loving family for what seemed like eternity and Poseida didn't want to wake up from what felt like the best dream ever (She was still scared she would wake up alone and none of this happened, but pinching herself never worked.)


And that is the prologue of The Son of Tartarus and Rhea series! Stay tuned for the next book, The Son of Tartarus and Rhea: Book 1, The Lightning Thief.

Have a nice day and see you soon,


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