°~° Soldier °~°

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The next day, Mr Lavez told us we would have an intriguing lesson today. "Today, we will go to a very experienced soldier to train with her and get to know something about the army nowadays."

Everyone seemed excited. We then made our way there. There stood a woman with brown wavy hair and reddish-brown eyes. She was very muscular and looked quite intimidating. Her look was a little cold in the beginning but softened shortly after.

"Welcome to the Nescy Army, the main army of the country! I hope you don't feel too intimidated by everyone here." We all said hello, and then she started teaching us a little.

"Let's start with weapons first. Do we have anyone with a weapon-based or weapon-using ability?" Valerie raised her hand.

"Speed-Aim." She said her ability's name to clear things up.

"Impressive!" We all trained our aim and got to know different types of weapons. She showed us a few of her shots and didn't miss a single one.

It took a little until it was my turn to show my aim and how I handled any type of weapon. I held the gun in my hand. Naturally, I held it firmly with my eyes focused on the target. So, I bashed away one target after another, not missing a single shot. I soon had to reload. But when Mr Lavez' hand tried to intervene, I slapped it away and reloaded it myself.

"Is there anything Ashlyn can't do?" Jakob asked the others, who looked just as pissed as him. He wasn't actually pissed they just all felt a little insulted to constantly be compared to this little wonder girl that didn't seem to have a single error in her creature.

We then started practising hand-to-hand combat. She told us a few special moves but wanted to see our moves with her own eyes before proceeding. That is why she didn't show us any basics beforehand. After that, we got assigned in pairs. We'd fight the person we were paired up with. Valentina was assigned with me, but even with her strength, she couldn't handle me, and I got her down in one move. But I had to admit that I had to put a good amount of strength into that move.

We practised some more before the woman started to show us some tricks. "So the best of you is... you." She looked at me for a second and then continued with it. "Well, Valentina, since you're the second-strongest, come up here so I can show the moves on you.

"Why not Ash."

"Just. come." The woman had an intimidating aura around her. And when they saw that, a few of my classmates looked over to me. As if to say that it looks familiar.

"Yes, ma'am!" She walked up there, but after she showed the first move, Valentina's and Aaron's faces froze.

"That's the exact move Ashlyn used on me." Valentina said.

"She used another similar move on a mission before,too." Aaron added, proudly to have remembered a lot of my moves. The woman facepalmed and looked at me.

"Let's just continue" After another few moves, everyone's jaws dropped.

"Are you two related or something?" Daisy asked. The woman sighed and looked at me once again.

"Child, did I not tell you to not use the moves too often?"

"I regret nothing." I answered.

"I mean, I don't regret teaching you these, since it was the only way to awaken your true talent back then." She said, and I chuckled.

"You mean the talent to break people's bones?"

"It's the thing my daughter should be best at, isn't it?" She said and snickered.

"Daughter?!" The whole class repeated.

"Yep." I said.

"Can you fight against each other? I wanna see who wins!" Jocelyn suggested.

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