okkasan, you've gotten a text

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I'm skipping to a little bit before Hisoka and Gon's fight, because I'd like to hurry up and get to the YorkNew ark where things get spicy. chile- anyways, enjoy.


I hear a sudden 'bbzzt' come from my phone.
1 new message from Feitan
"Tch, you finally text me, huh, Nii-Chan." I say, staring at my phone. Killua and Gon tilted their heads in confusion. "You have a brother, Y/N?!" Gon says while shaking me back and fourth. "Gon if you keep shaking her like that her head is going to be detached from her body-" Killua says looking and Gon. I laugh at Gon. "Yes, Gon, I do have a brother. He's quite short for a twenty-eight-year-old though.." I say, imagining Feitan complain about how short he is. I sigh. "Ne, Gon, when's your match with Hisoka? Soon, right?" I ask Gon. All he does was nod. I know he doesn't stand a chance against him, but I guess I can't underestimate him, I say, thinking to myself. All of a sudden, Killua asks me a question. "Hey, Y/N, if Hisoka and you were to fight, all-out, who would win?" I take a second to think about the question, even though I knew the answer right off the bat. "He'd die," I bluntly say, clasping my hands together. Gon was quite shocked by the answer. I guess, you could say Killua was too. "Ah! I forgot, I need to check the text message."

You have to hurry up with becoming a Floor Master. It's only a few days away to meet up for the auction.

Y/N is typing...

Awhh, that's too bad. I've met some interesting boys. They're pretty strong for only learning Nen a little over a month ago. Anyways! I'll become one in about a week. See you soon. read, 11:03pm

I sigh, after replying to Feitan-sama. "Hmph, my brother is rushing me to become a floor master." Killua and Gon look surprised once again. "You want to become a floor master?!" Gon asks— well, more like yelling.

"More like need, Chr- I mean Hisoka, insisted that I could use this to get stronger, but so far there's no good opponents.. Maybe I'll have a hard time beating a floor master." I reply to Gon, pushing him off of me." I say, annoyed. I take a deep sigh. "Hisoka can really get on my nerves~.. Although he does care for me so, I do have to pay him back by protecting him if he does get hurt.." I say, quite sadly.

"Why do you care for him?! He's such a pervert, not to mention he's obsessed with Gon." Killua says madly. I laugh at Killua because of his complaint. "You really care for Gon." I say, giving a small smile towards Killua. All of a sudden, Killua squishes my cheeks. "Instead of just grinning, you should actually smile." Killua says frowning at me, playing around with my face. I take Killua's hand and hold them. "It's quite hard to smile for me. It's hard to express my emotions." I say with my usual 'emotionless' tone. Killua and Gon frown at my statement. "We'll change that! We'll help you with your emotions." Gon says wrapping his arms around my neck to give me a hug. Killua does the same, but he wraps his arms around my waist while stuffing his face into my side.

Ah, I like this feeling. It's so warm... It's the feeling I get when Feitan hugs me. But this is so much warmer.. I can get used to this.

I hug the boys back. I feel some tears running down my face. They weren't sad tears, they were tears of- happiness?

"Ack! Are you okay, Y/N? We didn't mean to make you cry! Or are we helping you express your emotions?.." Gon says worried as he stops hugging me. "Hm? Not at all Gon. When you guys said that you'll help me with my emotions, I just felt so warm inside.." I say, with my usual small smile. "That's great!" the two boys say in sync.

"Anyways, Gon, you need to get some rest for whenever you fight Hisoka." I say while poking Gon's head. "You're radiating motherly-love right now, Y/N.." Killua says while still wrapping his arms around me. I hummed. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask Killua while I stop poking Gon's head. "You care for us too much, Y/N. Don't you think it's time for us to take care of you too?" Killua said while hugging me tighter.

I pat Killua's head. "There's no need to take care of me. I'm stronger than both of you combined! It's almost possible for me to beat Netero, the chairman of the Hunter Association, am I correct?" I say with a small smile. "You're that strong, Y/N?!" Gon said while getting-- quite close to my face. I laugh at the question. "I said I could kill Hisoka." I say while patting Gon's head aswell.

Then I noticed that Killua has fallen asleep while hugging me. I giggle at him. "Might as well leave him there." I say, Gon laughed while I played around with Killua's fluffy hair.

876 words-- I enjoyed writing this chapter because it was so soft and comforting- anyways- the YorkNew ark will start in maybe two chapters, where things get s p i c y.

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