• chapter three part two •

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HIII GUYSSSSS !!! I'm sorry this is so like time spaced from the last update lol my bad ! But I did follow thru w the three times a week like I said it just wasn't as close tg😭
But I see the comments now
Big shoutout to Christina C and Kayla R they've been supporting this and reviewing chapters love yall💙well let's get started !

dejuanes pov

manneee I'm starving and ansley and I are on the way to pick up our food and kanan texted ansley dat text and prob jus messed up the whole Saturday. she honestly looks like she's abt to cry I wonder what brooky said to her anyways ..but it's probably best if I don't ask her

ansleys pov
we got our food and I'm really trying not to worry abt what happened.. ii decided to make a TikTok w/o dejuane knowing the sound it came out amazing lol he had no idea it would b the game bop it in human version😹😹 ( if you saw the TikTok you understand 😂💕 ) but whatever I do ii cannot take my mind off of what happened and they blocked me on everything so I can't even text kanan anymore.
dejuane leaves the room I asks where's he going but he doesn't respond so I just get on my Mac book and look at my schedule they released today and then I start school Tuesday I'm kinda excited

dejuanes pov
I left the room to call kanan and but I didn't want ansley to know bc I'm going to take care of it


kanan: yooo wassup g
dejuane: dude wdf why'd yhu text ansley that
kanan: text ansley what wtf yu mean
dejuane: stop playing dumb I saw the text
Kanan: I'm with my girl rn why would I cheat on brooky I love her and I would never text ansley that look at her she's so ugly nd let's face it a bitc-
* dejuane interrupts *
dejuane: nigga Shutup now yeen een have to do all dat and go dat far-

ansleys pov
I hear dejuane get kinda loud and start ease dropping and hear
" dat far ansley is beautiful, she's stunning , beyond beautiful she's immaculate literally look at her , her eyes sparkle and her personality and body is just a whole ten and nothing less..idc if your tryna hide it from brooky dat you did it you don't ever call ansley ugly or fix your lips to say she's a bitch bc youre the one abt a year ago was simping for her and she didn't want your ass at first I made her give you a damn chance one of my biggest mistakes and regrets yk what don't ever text or call my phone ever again enjoy yo unstable toxic ass relationship"

idk what to do rn do I pretend I didn't hear all that or just say Thankyou or like what😭

dejuanes pov
* hangs up *
Woahhh wtf I jus like poured my heart out abt ansley .. I really hope she didn't hear that cs that'd b kinda weird but oh well I'm just going to go in there and act like nothing happened I don't wanna b awkward .

Ansleys pov
He comes in the room and I hurry up and select a movie like I didn't hear anything
dejuane: what ya doinggggg
you: nothinggg bestieeee just watching a movie
dejuane: sounds lameeeee
you: ummm chile anyways so..
I try to decide if I wanna say something abt what he jus said but he gets a text and tells me abt it
dejuane: my mom said she wants us to sleep at my house tonight nd that she misses and loves you
You: awww tell her I love her  and miss her soooo much
dejuane: wat movie are you watching ?
you: chemical hearts .. wanna watch ?
dejuane: sure .. but let me go lock the house up nd put on the alarm first
you: thanks juane


dejuane: omgee ansley hurry up let's go
Me: why are you in such a rush to go hive houses down to your house
dejuane: bc my mom made my fav dessert duh
me: atp go I'll be there later
dejuane: plz don't b like that I'm sorry 👉🏽👈🏽
dejuane: umm Yk I'll jus go sit in the car

I really don't want to leave my house.. I feel kinda bad for yelling at dejuane but he needed to chill.. I'm just not ready to leave my house just yet .. this was the last place me and my mom were tg.. Idk why I'm acting like she died I guess it's just because I miss her so much .. she was my bestfriend even tho she's been in and out of jail and is kinda abusive when she gets mad.. she's been thru so many boyfriends I feel so bad for her I wanna visit her soo bad but bc of covid we can only call and she has limited calls😔 I'm soo exhausted when I get to juanes I'm literally passing out .. I'm finally packed and go downstairs to get into the car
Dejuane: ready ?
you: * doesn't even respond *
you get in the car and mean mug him for a little bit being playful but he didn't know that
dejuane: ansley I'm sorry for rushing
you: 😹😹dejuane Shutup 😹😹 it's okay I'm jus mugging to annoy you and get in your head lol
dejuane: f you
you: ahaha when tho
dejuane: shhiiid ii meannnnnn
dejuanes mom: what are y'all talking abt
me and dejuane just stare at each other
dejuane & you: nothing
dejuanes mom: well there's food in the oven if y'all are hungry and juane your dessert is on the table
dejuane: omgeee thankyouuu mom

dejuane really left me here for that damn dessert with all my bags

dejuanes mom: omgee ansley I'm sorry your friend is so annoying here I'll help you
you: omg thanks cs he wasnt.
dejuanes mom: hey I wanna talk to you .. umm how are you doing w yhur mom in jail ?
you: umm I'm pretty well actually I mean I miss her a lot but it's I'm kinda used to it and dejuanes been helping me and I'm not trying to think abt her potentially being in there the rest of her life or even ending up on the death penalty
dejuanes mom: that's great girly .. yea keep it positive and don't be afraid to talk to me if there's ever anything you need don't hesitate to lmk okay baby ?
you: yes ma'am love you
dejuanes mom : love you more come here and give me a hug


dejuane: ansley I'm going out w Andre you can come if you want.. do you want to?
You: no thanks I'm good when will you b back ?
dejuane: around 11:30 .. do u need anything before I go ?
you: umm no I'm good .. bye love you
dejuane: love you too bye

dejuane has a pool and I reallyyy wanna go swimming soo ig imma go lol

Skip to when dejuane gets home

dejuane: ughh your still in the bed lazy head
you: well actually I went swimming and my tummy hurts so gtf
dejuane " sO gEt tHE fUcK"
* you rolls your eyes *
you: goodnight dejuane
dejuane: goodnight ansley

I woke up staring at dejuane looking at his messy bed hair and I felt something and got up quick asl
oh shoot I leaked thru my shorts and I have no idea what to say and I woke dejuane up by moving so fast omg this is going to be embarrassing

dejuane: goodmoringgg ansleyyy

looking at the stain and my pants then back and him not knowing what to say I go
" I'm sorryyyyy "
dejuane: awww it's fine .. it's a natural thing

he immediately gets up , runs me a shower and takes my clothes , and changes his sheets

after the shower

you : dejuane I'm really sorry
dejuane: ansley it's fine honestly.. it's just a little blood nothing to b embarrassed abt
* dejuane comes in for a hug *
you: thanks bestie
dejuane: no problem and I got your fav food nd snacks
you: thanks dummy
dejuane: * rolls eyes *




Word count :
🤩 1369 🤩
should I continue this ?
the hoodie boys will be added in later on btw💙
sorry if errors I didn't check spelling or anything I wanted to get this posted asap

' b e s t f r i e n d s ✨ dejuane and ansely 💞Where stories live. Discover now