+ short stories pt 6 +

327 11 4

Happy late bday Demiah_neil hope you had a great bday girly ❤️!
This one is longer , enjoy ❤️

After Dejuane helped me take a shower , changed the sheet and everything I asked him

You: dejuane...
D: yes ma'am?
You: was I you umm..
Dejuane * silent *
You: it fine..
Dejuane: ansley ofc you were .. I just wanted to make you think I knew what I was doing bc you were really good..
You: aww dejuane..

I started thinking tho.. like every first I'm having .. he's already like had it ( if you've watched to all the boys yk💞) he was really slow to tell me yes but I mean his explain makes sense . Why would he lie to me .. but it's weird bc it's jus like that was a part of me. But I don't regret it at all

Dejuane: ansley
You: yes what's up
D: how was your first time ?
You: it was amazing, it was w my fav person ever
Dejuane: I wish you would've gave me a notice it was like so rushed I could've bought you flowers and stuff and made your first time cute nd like unforgettable
You: no Dejuane, it was perf, thank you
* he kisses you on the forehead and goes to sleep *

About two hours later it's 1am in the morning, Dejuane is sleep but gets a text


my heart dropped- he said I was his firs- I can't believe he lied.. I do remember the day we all went to the mall her saying a remark abt something but Dejuane wouldn't tell me.. I silently start to cry .. until I cry myself to sleep I have no words ...

The morning time

Dejuanes pov
I check my phone it's 10 and I see I got a text from maya.. ughh what does she want now she always starting stuff.. I don't look at it I go to the bathroom where Ansley is and talk to her

Me: heyyyy
Ansley I'm not in the mood rn dejuane
Me: damn what's wrong .. do I need to beat someone up ?
Ansley: start w yourself
Me: I.., what do you mean
Ans tries to leave I stop her
Me: talk to me ..
Ansley: there's nothing to talk about
Me: obviously it's something to talk about if it has u like this .. you look a mess ..
Ansley: ouch dejuane.. you know.. you were really helping me with the pain of my mom and then I decided I wanted to give you a peice of me and you lie to me abt it .. I can't believe you get out my way
* scoffs *
Ansley: now you're laughing and trying to play innocent? Classic dejuane wins agains guys he never fails
( woah I jus yelled at ansley I didn't mean to.. she jus left her mom and I don't think I'm making it all tht easy rn )
Me: ansley I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell..but can you please tell me what's goin on
Her: well since you wanna play dumb let's look at the proof tg.. give me your phone
Me: it's in the room come on we'll get it
* she goes to mayas contact and opens it *
Ans: oh but you don't what I'm talking abt ?
Me: I- ansley- I'm-
Ansley: I don't want to hear it . Jus ugh bye
Me: where are u going ?
Ansley: getting far asl as I can from you
Me: ansley no please let me explain
Ansley: ghat you think I'm a joke ? Some fan girl ? Some toy ? You can lie to ? Dejuane you lied abt something really special to me.. it may not mean a whole lot to you but it does for me.. I wouldn't have cared it's jus the fact you lied to me.. what else have I lied abt. And then out of all ppl you know I don't like her.. but it's cool, don't worry abt it, it's whatever I don't care
Me: ansley.. no no no it's not like that please let me explain
* I run and go tackle her and don't let her off the ground so she can't go anywhere *
Ansley , it's not like that .. I only said yes bc you seemed happy.. I didn't want to tell you , you weren't the first ..
* she's not talking nor looking my direction *
Me; I never thought you'd figure out abt this.. it was a mistake .. ansley I was drunk ..I went to her house and her parents weren't there and one thing led to another ...
* I see Ansley start to cry *
Me: I'm so sorry
Ansley:are u really dejuane? You've been saying that a lot lately .. Jus leave me alone

Ans pov
I went to another room and cried for abt 15 minutes.. it's crazy bc I was so mad at dejuane but he's the only one I want to be cuddled up with rn.. but im mad at him.. how could he lie about something like that.. I get a text

Unknown number
Hey mamas😏

Who is this ?

Mikey.. you don't remember me ?

Ohhh .. heyyy mikey

What's been up w you ? How you been ?

Ummm not the best lol.. what abt u ?

What's wrong ? That's nigga do sum ?


Oh say less..

No no no it's fine.. we'll work it out , we always do even if it results in us not being friends ..

We should get to hang and kno each other .. want to FaceTime and tell me abt your problems ?

Sure why not .. I don't really have friends so sure

Dejuanes pov
Bro I fucked up..I feel so bad ansley basically was the first one bc I was drunk w maya and barely remember it .. I hear her otp.. I go to the door

Yo ans .. who you talkin to

Ansley: none of your business go away

Is that mik-


wow she's talking to the boy who made me change schools ... wow I never thought she'd do this .. is this her trying to get back at me ....

Word count 1009
Did not word check 💛

' b e s t f r i e n d s ✨ dejuane and ansely 💞Where stories live. Discover now