• Chapter 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗷𝗼𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 •

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Hey guysssss !  ii am SOOOO SORRY !! I have two do better I know ! I've just been SOOOOOO busy ! With school and a surprise I have coming up I'll tell y'all abt ( if y'all even care lol ) in October ! Sooo letsss get in to this chapter thoooo !!!

nobodys pov: it's the next day dejuane and dejuanes mom is the only one up !

Dejuanes mom: omg- I- are you fr- that was my bestfriend .. day one ! * sobbing and crying as she's saying this *  I can't believe this .. how am I supposed to tell ansley !


I just got out the shower and I'm hungry asf.. I go down the stairs to the kitchen to hear my mom saying :

Dejuanes mom: " it should've been me.. it should've been me.. Idk how to take this .. fuck I don't even know how to tell dejuane! And she's not even her mom !

I just stayed around the corner and eased dropped I stopped at the last stair bc she was crying and it was very hard to understand what she was saying but I made sure you couldn't see me and I made sure she couldn't hear me but I think it's start to walk out.. I start walking and she says

Dejuanes mom:  hey I got to go but thank you
* hangs up *

She hung up really quickly ii HATE  seeing my mom like this.. hate seeing her down .. and it was awkward .. before ii could say anything she kinda tries to hide her crying

dejuanes mom: * breathing in heavy asf like yhu do when yhu cry * Hey baby .. wassup
me: mom .. what's wrong ?
I go in for a hug and wipe her tears
Dejuanes mom: nothing
me: mom what's wrong tell me
She still doesn't say anything I hug her again and say
Me: was it another Boyfriend ??? Was it my dad ?? Do I need to beat someone up ?
that put a tiny smile on her face and she says
dejuanes nom: well yesterday when I texted you to come over .. I found out ansleys mom- wait where is she
Me: she's still sleep should I get her ?
Dejuanes mom: NO !.. sorry just no I don't need her to hear this just yet... I found out her mom was sick so I was going to tell her yesterday.. but when I talked to her.. she seemed so happy and positive abt her mom being in jail I just couldn't break it to her .. if ii had any clue this was going to happen I would've made them let ansley see her mom
me: mom ... what happened?
She started to tear up again
dejuanes mom: honey they said she was very very sick .. and she died this morning
Tears started to fill my eyes but I refused to let them go down... ansleys mom and I were very close.. it's kinda always jus been ansley, her mom , me and my mom ( and my brother ofc jus like Hes younger and always at his friends so when we hung out it was us four )
Me: how are we going to tell ansley...
Dejuanes mom: that I don't know.. but we have to be strong for her.. I know her mom and you were also close... but we have to be reallly strong for ansley
me: I just can't believe this happened.. are u sure she was sick ? What did she have ??? HOW IN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN
dejuane moms: Juane hey hey calm down ansley will wake up.. and they said they don't know but they know for sure it wasn't covid
Me : mane fuck all this covid😭
Dejuanes mom : I feel the same way.. let's try to give Ashely the best day today.. and she's probably still on her period so she'll b extra moody.. but let's do everything planned out around her
me: okay
Dejuanes mom is still crying and dejuane is jus looking down in disbelief

I woke up with a biggg Headace and to dejuane screaming " IN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN " I think hes jus on the game .. if he wasn't and it was something important I needed to come see I'm pretty sure he would've got me.. but honestly I don't even care because it's Friday ! and my period finally has stopped ! And I had vitural school yesterday w my bestieee and it didn't go tooo bad.. I'm soo hungry I walk downstairs and stop bc I think I hear juanes mom kinda crying and dejuane says

dejuane: shit I think I hear ansley.. lemme go check

that wasn't me that was his brother slamming a door😭 but he ran into me turning onto the stairway

dejuane: hey bestieee
you: why so sus😭 goodmoringgg bestiee
* I tried to walk but he kinda held me back *
I tired again to get pass him and I did
you: omgeee what's wrong
She looks up at juane


they're both staring at me and ii don't know what to say but I think fast and I going to feel bad for lying to her like this but I say
Me: ansley * tries to laugh * nothing my moms crying tears of joy she just got a raise!!
ansley rushes over to hug my mom

ansley: AWWWWWW IM SOOO PROUD OF YOUUUUUUUUU WE HAVE TO CELEBRATEEE !!! and dejuane isn't your brother going to friends today LETS HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER !! I wanna drive and take you to get breakfast first everyone be ready in thirty !!!!!
she rushes upstairs and I try to call her but she doesn't listen shes too happy abt a raise .. I turn to my mom
dejuanes mom: good lie.. I guess
Me: ugh I hate lying to her..
dejuanes mom: I know me too ..but maybe it'll b good to let her think this but we have to tell her soon and we also have to talk abt-
* ansley runs downstairs *
* she's runs back upstairs *
Me: well I guess let's get ready..
dejuanes mom: yea.. we still have to talk abt adoption tho but late-
ansley: adoption ?? Adopt who ??
me: umm a puppy my mom is thinking abt it
ansley: omgee fr ive always wanted one ! my sibling took mine to Florida w them🙄
Me:yea haha.. go get ready I'm not waiting on you when we're ready
ansley: tuh, I'm always waiting on you.. and how you gon wait omg the driver .. mhmm.. yea u can't
* she leaves *
Me: mom.. we can't adopt her
dejuanes mom: dejuane I cant believe you would say such a thing.. and it wouldn't even be long jus some months until she turns 18.. yk her and her dad aren't on the best terms
me: no it's not that it's-
dejuanes mom: no I don't even wanna hear it can't believe you would say that..

I leave to go upstairs.. it's not I wouldn't want ansley as a sister .. it's I think I might have feelings for.. ive actually had for a minute I jus don't act on them at all and push them away bc I have no idea what she would say. I should probably let my mom know

ansley: dejuane Thomas mc-
me: ansley Ik Ik we gotta get ready
ansley: whats wrong babe ?

Ughhh I hate when she says that.. it makes me catch feelings even more.. it'd b different if she said like babes like she does to everyone else😭

me: not babeeeeeeeee
ansley: aha.. u good ?
me: yea .. I'll b ready in ten....

Word count :
✨ 1277 ✨
Update will come sooner this time I swear
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