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Five winged, cloaked figures stood on Half-Blood Hill, near Thalia's Pine, looking down forlornly on the valley and the camp it housed below them.

Their leader, a boy with tan skin, raven hair, sea-green eyes, and black wings stood so near the boarder that when he reached out his hand, as if for a reassuring touch from his old home, the previously-invisible boarder rippled.

He drew his hand back with a sigh.

"Alpha? Why did you want to come here?" Another of his flock, a girl with mocha colored skin, curly brown hair, and shining golden eyes whispered.

The leader closed his eyes, bittersweet memories washing over him like the tide.

"I apologize, Gem. I was wrong to ask to visit here. I thought that maybe if I saw this place again, I could put the past to rest. But it makes no difference, just reopens the wound. Come, let's take our leave." The leader said softly, and one of the other members of his flock, a thin boy with snow-pale skin, black hair, and dark eyes rested his hand upon the leader's shoulder, as if to support him. On his other side, a blonde boy with bright, sad blue eyes did the same.

A girl with short, spiky black hair done up punk-style and piercing blue eyes matching the blonde boy's waved her hand and a black portal shimmered into existence.

The winged, cloaked flock of five walked through the portal, leaving their former home behind them.

Alpha and his flock; a Chaos storyWhere stories live. Discover now