Chapter 2: What is wrong with you?!

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Things got really awkward. I looked away, a little a nervous and Chase scratched the back of his head like he was nervous too. I quickly changed to subject.

"Well, should we-", we both started talking at the same time. Wow. He really knew how to make things awkward. Then he smirked for the millionth time. Gosh! This guy tried to get me where he wanted me. He's already made me lost for words and now he's trying to make me fall in love with him.

"Can I see what you've written down?" I asked, trying to change the subject. I grabbed his paper and he wrote this:

Generally, the Native Americans lived in peace and prosper until around the 15th century when Europeans first arrived on the shores of North America. At that time, horses were brought over, which began to spread disease among the natives. Since they had no immunity to these strange diseases, thousands began to die from things such as measles and chicken pox. In addition, the Europeans began to take over the land and set up farms and homes there.

Woah! He was actually smart. He didn't even pay attention in class. Then he asked to see what I wrote and I was too ashamed to show him.

"Why can't I see what you wrote?". He asked with a frown.

" It's not that good.", I couldn't look at him because I knew he was smirking.

"Is it 'cause my ones better? You thought I was dumb, didn't you?", he was boasting. What an asshole!

Before I could reply he already started talking.

"Anyways, I gotta go. See ya tomorrow, babe", he winked and left.

"Don't call me that!", I shouted as he walked out.

Tonight was really awkward. I got caught staring at him, he called me cute and he seemed smarter than me. I underestimated him. But that doesn't change anything. I still hate him.

I called Court to tell her about tonight. I had to tell someone.

*calls courtney*

Court: Hello?

Me: Hey it's Brooke.

Court: Hey girl!

Me: Well, you know I invited Chace round my house today?

Court: Really? Omg! What happened?

Me: The usual. Crude remarks and being annoying.

Court: Oh. That's it?

Me: Well, ermm....he called me cute.

Court: OMFG! Why? How? When?

Me: Well, he was making silly faces and I started laughing and he said I was cute.

Court: WOW!! He is sooooo crushing on you!

Me: I don't think so. It's just him being his usual self. Besides, I don't like him that way.

Court: Is that why you're constantly talking about him?

Me: No I don't. He's just really annoying.

Court: Sure. Anyways I gotta go, I've got cheerleading practice.

Me: Kk, ttyl.

Court: Ttyl.

*hangs up*


It was the next morning and I got up on time. I had my outfit planned, it was a grey sweater and some white shorts. I slipped on my sandals. I brushed my hair and it went wavy, when I was expecting it to be straight. I had no time to use my straightener, so I just left it.

I went downstairs and got my breakfast. I was going to walk out the door but my mom started asking me questions.

"I heard you brought a boy into the house last night when I was shopping."

"Err...Yeah. We just did our History project.", I slowly turned around to face my mom, with an innocent look on my face.

"Are you sure that's all that happened last night?", she raised an eyebrow.

"What are you implying, mother?", I was shocked. Did she think we did something nasty? I'm better than that!

"Nope. Just wondering. Have fun at school,", she quickly changed the subject and walked away. I knew what she was thinking and it was nasty. I barely knew Chace, so nothing really happened.

I got to school and went to my locker to put some books in there. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see Court beaming at me.

"What?", I asked why she looked looked to excited.

"Chace is looking for you!", she said excitedly.

My cheeks turned red. Why was he even looking for me? And how did Court know about this? Where they talking about me? There was so many questions I wanted to ask but I chose one.

"Where is he?"

"He's at the corner where the field is. It used to be our secret hide out. Remember?"

"Oh, yeah!". Me and Court used to have a secret hideout where we would sing and gossip and generally have fun. We don't go there anymore because we found a better one.

I went over to my old secret hide out and saw Chace graffitiing on the wall. It said "Fuck school!". I rushed over to stop him from continuing. But when I got close enough to grab the spray can out of his hand, I tripped over his bag and fell down. I knocked him down too.

Then we were in a really awkward position. I was lying on top of him!
My life is so cliché! I quickly got up and confronted him.

"What is wrong with you?! You can't graffiti here!", I scowled at him.

"Calm down, no one's gonna see!", he acted so calm about it, like it was no big deal.

"Why did you even need to talk to me?", I asked, changing the subject.

"I needed to see your Maths homework. I hadn't done mine, so I figured you would've done it.", he tried to reach for my bag.

I grabbed my book out of bag and I was about to give it to him, but then I realised. He doesn't deserve it.

"Why would you think I'd let you copy my Maths homework?". He was so bad! It was the 2nd day and he didn't even do his homework. It was one question and it took me about 10 seconds to do it. He had time to do it!

"I couldn't be bothered."

"Well, I'm not giving it to you!", I put it behind my back.

"Come on. Help a friend out?", he stepped closer to me. But I didn't step back. I wasn't afraid of him.

"Who said I was your friend? You're such a douchebag!"

"You weren't saying that when you were on top of me.", he smirked and stepped closer.

I couldn't believe him. He thought I liked him. In your dreams!

"I could just slap you right now!"

"Really? Do it then.", he got extremely close to me. His face was inches away from mine. My breathing hitched. He was standing way too close and it was really awkward. Then he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, looking directly into my eyes. What was he trying to do?

Suddenly, his hand went round my back and grabbed the book out of my hand and put it in his bag. Ugh! I hate him so much. I've never met someone more annoying!

"Thanks, babe!", he winked at me and walked away.

I stood there flabbergasted. He was so sneaky and cunning and ugh! I can't stand him. I'm going to get my revenge and it's going to be a good one.

Authors Note: What did you guys think of this chapter? Do you like Chace or do you think he's a douche? I hope you like the music it's Trouble - Nevershoutnever and it took my 15 mins to search for it because it was the only one that plays on wattpad! I hope you guys liked this chapter and I hope you guys VOTE, COMMENT and recommend this book to your friends! Kk bye💗

I Don't Date Bad Boys #Wattys2015 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now