20. Writing without an 'e' challenge

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Dirty nails, drooping vision
A mountain of sins to claw,
Out our guilty brains
Scratching our own wounds raw.

Black and brown all around,
Can't find fucking 'How?'
This shitload of sorry,
Wouldn't fix anything now.

All you can do though,
For that ignorant clock,
Is look for blood to push,
Kinda stop its tick-tock, tick-tock.

Our cold rhythms may stop,
But what will cut out our guilt?
In a thirst for all things straight,
This world is slightly tilt.

Gravity is pulling down,
Our minds and our plans too,
So writing I am out my pain,
Hoping my salvation might pay you.
05th August,2020

Did I tell you guys I'm in love with Zayn and Harry???

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