The Lycoris.

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HE WHO IS FREE —— written by min.

"Your Royal Highness, I have the update you requested for the current status of the situation at hand," A young man's voice spoke, his voice deep and crushing like the ocean's waves, yet light as the sea foam that rolled on the surface and soothing with tranquility in a foreign type of manner.

This young man was known as Horatio Reuben Abadi, the Royal Advisor for the prince, as a lifetime companion and a refreshing point of view on fiery situations. He had luscious locks of blonde hair, that looked just as golden as the sunlight that danced upon them, seeming as though the rays had crafted the young man of light on their own accord.

His eyes were a charming warm tone orange, pure like the sand that elegantly wandered with the ocean waves that rolled off his tongue in a somewhat sultry way, especially to women who heard the words he spoke through his blush lips, a humble pink that could only be detected on his countenance upon closer inspection. His skin was an attractive shade of brown considering where he came from, and seemed as attractive and sweet as honey.

His features merged perfectly together to create a somewhat perfect young man, who enraptured women with his beauty and mature behaviour that contrasted with his slightly childlike features, such as his disorderly hair, especially for his age of early twenties.

He wore his usual uniform of a crimson, wine red trench coat, neatly buttoned up with golden enamel buttons, each with an ornate illustration carved into the metal. He had a line of medals across the right side of his chest, each different colours and only displaying silver and gold, not a single bronze one to be spotted. Underneath his coat, he wore a black turtleneck and dress pants as well as a matching pair of gloves that fit snugly on his fingers. He preferred to wear simple outfits with a single bold colour that accentuated his fashionable look.

He stood alongside another young man who seemed roundabouts the same age. If Horatio was the day, the young prince was the enigmatic night. His title was Prince Leonide Maxence Beaulieu and was the eldest and only legitimate son of Maxence Saint Beaulieu, making him the heir to Sica Empire.

Many would argue that this man looked all the more charming with his pitch black hair that was thick and hugged the frame of his pale, slender face with care. It shone in the light like a dark gem and flew with the breeze with such elegance, as though each strand of hair was part of a perfectly coordinated ballet. His hair was slicked back with a sweet-smelling gel, giving him a cleaner look than his advisor.

There was no sort of redness on his face, and he looked somewhat like a ghost due to how pale he was, indicating that he had indeed lived a luxurious life, despite what his rough and ruined hands indicated.

His eyes were as blue as moonlight shining upon a sea of pearls, and leaned to a lighter tone than that of a cloudy sky, and nearly appeared a clouded white if one wasn't close enough to see them for their own pleasure.

Unlike Horatio, Leonide wore a white coat that ended right above his hip, making it fairly short for this style of coat. Also unlike his advisor, he had rows upon rows or golden medals decorating his right, not a single silver one ruining the gold's highlighted beauty. He had matching ivory pants on his lower half, tucked into high, lacquer black boots that went to just above his knee, decorated immodestly with gold thread.

The black shirt under his coat had a matching tie, also decorated immensely with gold embroidery that formed illustrations of a lion, as the lion represented Sica after all.

"Out with it," Leonide responds impatiently, making A's voice seem not all that low compared to his own. He had a truly attractive voice that could make a woman go crazy just with a word. He had a thick accent as well, that made him seem all the more regal than his features and outfit already did.

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