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Life is not a bed of roses.

Kit is toying with his food.

Beam is still in que for his drink.Weather is hot today but school canteen is even hotter.Everyone is huffing and fanning themselves to survive.Whole canteen is almost packed as this is lunch time.Kit and Beam finished all the classes but Beam has judo club after lunch.Kit will be going home to help his father in their small kitchen garden.They will build some bamboo trellises there.

"Abracadabra.... Ai Kitty open your otherwise those foods will not vanish."

Kit smacks his head.

"Still thinking about debt?I told your father not to take loan from that shark.He will make life hell."

"I wish I was a brilliant student like you!At least could grab a scholarship.I save some money but I think I will give that to...."

"Don't!!!I will find a way.May be we can try some part time job for extra expenses like books,notes,pens.About helping family why don't you try to sell fishes to the neighbours?"

"Not a bad idea."

Beam scowls Kit's hair.

"Hey don't ruin it moron!Girls won't be attracted."

"Girls don't like grumpy kitty."
"Girls don't like cold bastard."

"P'Beam khaaaaaa..."

Beam closed his eyes. 'Again...'

"P'Beam kha I was looking for you and you are here"

A petite pale girl screams and toying with her hair to show a flirtatious look.

"During lunch time do you think I will play football???"

Beam chewed his lips in anger.

"P'Beam khaaa...I went to my aunt's house.On the road I buy this gift for you."

'Is she dumb!!!Can't see I am fuming!!!'

"Thank thank you.I am not going to take this."

"Oh Phi...Please accept na na na...You know how much I love you!!!"

"How much!!!"


She is now puzzled.

"Can you stay in a small thatched hut with me?I can't give you gifts on occasions.You have watch in your hand which is worth my monthly pocket money.Your father last month bought a motorcycle where I am struggling to pay for foods,cloths,education.Can you take care of my chickens or the cow I am about to buy?Or can you starve because sometimes we don't have food at home?"

"Beam!" Kit didn't see it coming.

The girl is frozen.

"Can you stay with a farmer's grandson?What about I choose my profession as a farmer!"


"If not then don't waste your time."

His face looks like rigid shape made of icecube.

She awakened from the shocked state and run away crying.

"Beam! you were too harsh to her!"

"I can't lead her on.If she wants to love me and accept me,she has to accept me as a whole.I can't give her anything. Let's not lead her to build castle in the air.When harsh reality will attack,she may not endure that and leave me."

Beam looks at the sky with hurt,longing and eyes full of tears.

"Everyone leaves eventually.My parents did,grandma did,my baby kitten did."


My injured baby kitten left me last night.She is dead.She used to sleep with me in my bed.Now my bed is empty.I am a mess now.Then guests come at home and I am pretending that I am fine.

I will update funny chapter when I can gather myself up.

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