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This part will be a bit boring but we need it.

Whole palace is in uproar.Living room is being elegantly decorated.
Important foreign delegates will meet Present and Former King in an informal dinner.

Important foreign delegates will meet Present and Former King in an informal dinner

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'It has nothing to do with me.'

Someone who was pondering in one place for last one hour could only think of it.

These grandeur, decor or decorum nothing touches him.This whole palace is just a cage and he is a bird.

His brothers never complain though.

He takes a long sigh.

A knock on the door.


The door opens with head butler Phun.He bowed down his head.

"Your highness Prince Forth greetings.Son of Minister Mr.Phana Konthanin wishes for your highness presence.Should I prepare your bath water and clothes?"

Forth could only nod.

Forth's lips stretched a bit.Only four persons in this palace can change his mood.Former King and Queen,his mother and Phana,his best friend.

He cannot wait to talk to Phana.He hurriedly gets ready and rushed towards back hall.That's the safe place to talk,no one will disturb them.

Forth walks enthusiastically. Phana was sitting in the back hall's small gathering place because Phana knows where to wait.His father never sets his feet here.

His father never sets his feet here

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Forth smiles.

"Your royal highness, glad to meet you."  He bowed down his head.

''What's with that sudden respect dude?"

" moron don't speak loudly.Today everyone is roaming everywhere.I don't want to be sued.His majesty will behead me or better you can't see me as next minister."

"You are that enthusiastic to be the next minister huh?'' Forth raised his one eyebrow sarcastically.

"I am the only son of my father.I don't have any option your highness."

"Why are we talking while standing?Don't forget we need to be formal today."

"I am tired of this formality." Anyone can see Forth's tiredness in his face.

"But your father planned to make you more tired.Hahaha...."

"I am not the crown prince to begin with!" Forth pissed off.

"I can't have a day to rest,Even during holidays when you guys go to trip I am being given new subject to learn.What they think of me?A computer?"

"Your brothers love to learn though!"  Phana says sarcastically

"They are robots!!" Forth huffed.

"Before I forget, next Saturday you have to join a new class on 'International Politics '."  He looks at Forth pathetically.Phana knows all information because he has been in training since high school to be next minister and he knows every inch of Forth's life because his whole life is being written by his father,when and what to do,everything.

"I will change this.I want freedom." Forth suddenly looks determined.


"Ai Pha just help me with some information.I have an idea."

Phana could only blink.

A short chapter for now.I don't want drag much of Forth's miserable life.Let's wait for a bit though to change his life.

Should I make this story m-preg?I need your opinion  badly because that will help me with future plans.I have lots of funny ideas in mind.I promise this story will not be like any other m-preg story if I get green signal from you.

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