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Eh!I am taking a bit break from study.I can feel smoke is coming out from my head....I pour some coconut oil on my hair.Why am I even mentioning? 😁

Let's cool down.

Forth is restless.He needs oil may be...or Beam. 😉


Forth's forehead creases.

He can't pinpoint what is wrong with those reports but he can see something is not right.

He with his brothers worked on accounts section to learn for 2 whole years.

He saw some reports did not show dates.Even some reports are unnecessary.Just put down more weights.Nothing else.Forth wasted his time on reading them.

Useless!!!Forth throws some of the files in anger.

'Ah!I think my headache is coming.'

He called a servant to serve him coffee.He is working on files over 3 hours.

Forth stretches his limbs first.Then he starts pondering.

''My gut feeling says if I dig more I will find a big scam.

Villagers are not happy and well provided but we sanctioned many projects in North.Though dad doesn't involve me in many of the meetings but for teaching purpose he took me in sometimes.Where does those money go?

Mere assumption would not work.I need to clear up this issue.But how?"

He picks up his phone from the bed and dial a number.

"Hello!Pha, I need your help."


"Wake up sleepyhead! "

"Umm...Bea..miiee..let me..😴"

"Ok.As your wish.." Beam shrugs. "I made fried rice with egg..Umm..one must inhale the scent coming out from that hot rice..!Yumm..I can't wait to taste it.May be I can call Win to have some taste of it.Who knows?'

Beam pretends that he doesn't want to waste the food.

"Or may be I will finish that myself!Grandpa said I should gain more weight.Today we don't have class.I will eat and laze around at the bed with a big fat belly.No one will see me anyway!"

Beam mentioned everything loud and clear.

Kit immediately opened one eye and saw Beam is licking his lips and massaging his flat belly..

"May be I should add some spring onion over it and garnish it with tomatoes."

He scrunches his face a bit as if pondering.

"A bit tamarind pickle!Yummmm..."

Thud!Kit almost about to fall from the bed but control himself at the right moment..hurriedly pick up the towel,brush and run away like ghost vanish in thin air..

Beam chuckles..

'His whole brain works for one word - food.'

He comes out to find Kit has already brush his teeth and rinsing his face and hands on tube well.

"Slow down moron!I can see you didn't brush properly.Your teeth will fall down one after another.Then you will look like grandpa Naren..Pring will gift you prosthetic teeth...Hihihihi.."

"Can't slow down Beamiiee!Tom and Jerry inside my belly are fighting - 'give me food, give me food!'.I need keep them calm.By the way your imagination is horrible."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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