Flynn Part 1

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I know I don't usually split these ones into different parts but this is a fair bit longer than most so I'm going to write it in two or three parts.

Flynn Part 1

Eugene sighed as he walked down the corridor, every time he passed a window he could see the snow flurries falling to the ground. He hated snow, really hated it, the twins on the other hand loved it. Their grandparents had taken them out to play and get hot cocoa in the town, Eugene half wished he had gone with them, but the twins shared a special relationship with Arianna and Fredrick, and he knew that when he wasn't around the King and Queen spoilt them rotten.

He paused as he passed the library, Cassandra was silhouetted in the window. From the back he could only tell it was her from her favourite green dress and long black hair, you couldn't even tell she was heavily pregnant from the back.

"Are you alright Cass?" Eugene said stepping forwards. She turned to look at him.

"Varian and Rapunzel aren't back yet." She said worriedly.

Eugene nodded, Rapunzel and Varian had gone to Equus on state business. Nobody had expected the snowstorm, and it was putting them all on edge, reminding them all of a previous storm. He put his hand on her shoulder, trying to offer her some reassurance.

"They'll be Ok."

Cassandra lowered her head, looking down at her swollen belly.

"I'm just worried, what with the baby so close."

"You have a few weeks before you have to worry about him staying close to home." Eugene answered.

She hummed none committedly, her hand on her stomach as she stared out of the window.


"Goodness, that storm is getting worse." King Fredrick said looking out of the window.

Eugene looked up from his place in front of the fire where he was making towns out of blocks with the twins. He got up and went over to his father-in-law. He gave a sigh as he saw the snow mounting in piles up against the walls of the garden below.

"It is normal this time, isn't it?" Fredrick asked him quietly.

"I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be." Eugene said. "Everything has been all quiet on the magical fronts for years now."

The King nodded. "I can't help but worry, has there been any word at all from Rapunzel?"

Eugene shook his head.

"No, but then it's not as if a messenger would get through this easily."

"Hmm... I hope they're okay."

"So do I. Keep an eye on the children, I want to go and check on Cass." Eugene said looking down at his happily playing four-year olds.


"She seemed a bit off when I saw her a few hours ago, I want to check she's okay."

The King nodded and went to take the place that Eugene had previously occupied on the floor, picking up a small wooden tree and holding It up to the light. "Shall we plant apples or pears in the third orchard?" He asked happily.

Eugene found Cassandra in exactly the same spot that he had last seen her. That in itself worried him, but as he got closer to her something about her stony silence and stillness let him know something was wrong.

"Hey, Cass."

She nodded at him her eyes never leaving the spot she was staring at through the window, Eugene could swear she was looking directly at the castle gates, as if waiting for Varian and Rapunzel to ride through them.

"I know you're worried, but you know how resourceful those two are, they're going to have found a safe place to ride out the storm, that's if they even left Equus before the storm started."

"I just wish they were back." She said quietly, still seeming distracted.

"Well, as long as they're safe."

She gave a sharp intake of breath, she bent forwards slightly, one hand reaching for her stomach and the other clenching at the fabric of the curtains. Her face grimaced and her eyes squeezed shut.

"Cass? What's.... " Eugene's eyes widened as he realized why Cassandra seemed so distracted. "Oh, oh, I see."

She was looking up at him now, her body visibly relaxing as the pain eased off.

"Cassandra, I think you're having the baby now."

"No, no I'm not," she said her eyes wide "because I'm not ready, and Varian isn't here. Varian was supposed to be here."

Eugene understood, he really did, he'd been through it with Rapunzel, she'd read every book, talked to every midwife or new mother she could find, still she was not fully ready for the powerful surges that came before birth.

"I know." Eugene said, laying his hand on her arm. "But that baby, he's decided he's coming, and I doubt arguing with him will work."

"I'll cross my legs."

Eugene gave a short laugh; he couldn't help it. Cassandra shot him an annoyed look.

"Yeah, that's not gonna work. I'm going to send somebody for the midwife."

"There's no point, I'm not having a baby today." She growled through gritted teeth.

"Jeez, you are so stubborn! Stan, Pete! Are you around?"

"Don't you dare!" Cassandra said before bending forwards again and grasping the curtains with both hands, she gave a long grunt. Eugene ran out to the corridor just as Stan was running forwards to find him.

"Stan, go fetch the midwife."

Stan shot a shocked look over at Cassandra, who managed to shoot him an annoyed look over her shoulder as she panted.

"Yes sir." Stan said setting off at a run.

Eugene took Cassandra's arm as she tried to straighten up.

"Let's get you somewhere a bit more private."

"I'm not having a baby."

"You could have fooled me, come on."

Begrudgingly she followed him through the corridor. As they walked towards one of the spare room Eugene noted the startled looks of the maids, who flung themselves flat against the walls when they saw Cassandra's death glares.

"Get out the way, scary pregnant lady coming through."

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