Like Parent, Like Child

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Like parent like child.

"Oh you are just so cute." Catalina said as she wrapped her arms around baby Flynn.

"Who do you think he takes after Dad? I think it's Varian, because of the eyes and the streak."

"Hmm.. it's hard to tell, he has his mothers colouring, there's definitely something about you around the lower face." Lance said looking at Cassandra who was contentedly drinking her tea. The five of them, Catalina, Lance, Cassandra, Varian and baby Flynn, had met outside a café in town. Cassandra and Varian had the devious plan of getting Catalina to be a babysitter by dressing Flynn up in his most adorable set of dungarees, and making him out to be as angelic as they could.

"He's such an easy baby." Cassandra said.

"Except that he's a fast crawler, I mean yesterday I put him down and within a minute he was...UFF!" Varian gasped as he was elbowed by Cassandra in the ribs.

"Still sat at my feet because he is so well behaved." Varian said.

They were really keen on getting Catalina to be their babysitter, they were really in need of a date night. Cassandra didn't understand how on earth people managed to make second and third babies when it was impossible to get a single moment alone together.

Lance and Catalina were looking confused but luckily they were distracted in that moment as Flynn reached up to pat Catalina's face babbling cutely.

"Oh, is he going to say his first word!" Lance squealed excitedly.

"Oh I think he's about to." Cassandra answered. "He's been babbling so much for weeks now, and I'm sure he's going to say something soon."

"Ah, are you trying to say Mama!" Catalina asked the eight-month-old holding him up.


"Pretty sure it sounds like Dada." Varian said.

Cassandra rolled her eyes.


"Okay it could be both." Said Lance.


They all leaned in closer, excited that they might hear the babies first word.

"Which is it, Mama or Dada?" Varian asked their son.


Everybody backed away in shock.

"Did he just say..." Cassandra asked looking around the table.

"Congratulations, he takes after the both of you." Lance said.


So, all these ficlets are based upon my personal parenting experience. again- yep, my son's babbling sounded like he was crawling around saying " Murder! Dead!Dead!Dead!" Obviously he was just stringing together random sounds and accidentally hitting on real words, I don't think he' s a psychopath...

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