Chapter One

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        I still remember the night Callie died. My beloved, cherished Calypso. I was sound asleep, dreaming that I was riding my young, buckskin mare through the woods, the twilight moon shining down on us, illuminating the pathway. We came across a small stream, and Calypso gingerly stepped over it. I stroked her neck, giving her praise.

        At that moment, I was awoken by the family border collie, Roxy. She barked and growled from deep within her throat, warning off predators. I yelled at her and tried to fall back asleep. Until I heard a scream. Not human, no. Humans don't make that noise.

        It was the scream of a horse. I tossed the covers up and ran downstairs, yelling to wake my parents. I grabbed my boots and threw them onto my cold feet, running outside to the barn. The cold night chilled my skin, making goosebumps rise across my arms. I heard my parents open the front door and brother call out to me, telling me to stop.

        Roxy ran to the barn next to me, the deep growl still ommiting from her. I slid open the barn doors and stopped cold. It was a mountain lion, clawing and biting my beloved Callie. There was nothing she could do. She was trapped. I screamed, sobs escaping from my mouth, scaring the cat away. I ran over to Calypso, opening her stall door and kneeling down next to her and holding her head. I remember what I told her that night.

        "It will be okay."

        But that was a lie. She died in my arms that night, that cold, torturous night that I will never forget.

        Calypso was young, just five years old. She still had a plentiful life she could spend with me, galloping through the mountains while looking for turkey, or nice days at the beach, playing in the water and waves. But that cat took it away from me. He took away my future, my happiness, my best friend.

        And that occured almost three months ago. I missed the last month of school, refusing to move, talk, or eat. Everynight, I dream of her and I having adventures together, and they always end with Calypso dying in my arms.

        But tonight was different.

        Tonight, my dream ended with Calypso approaching me and whispering "It will be okay."

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