Chapter Three

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My jaw drops. Standing behind me is a beautiful white mare staring at me. I jump up and slowly back up to prevent getting kicked. I hold my hands out for her to stop, but she doesn't listen, and instead walks forwards. I close my eyes so I don't startle her, and keep my arm outstretched. I'm waiting for the kick or the bite... but it never comes. Instead, I feel the softness of fur on my hand.

I slowly open my eyes, shocked. The mare had pressed her head into my hand, eyes closed with content. I start shaking and don't know what to do, but apparently the mare does. She falls to the ground to lie, and looks up at me expectantly, waiting for me to join her...

...just like Callie used to do...

I slowly and shakily kneel down in front of the mystery horse, nervous and sweating. The calm horse then relaxes her head on my lap.

Just like Callie used to do...

Sitting there with this white mustang on my lap, I let the tears flow. They drip from my face and land on the mares neck, making her upset. Not upset with my action, just upset that I'm crying.

I sit with the mare, crying, crying until I'm all cried out and can't shed another tear. The mare is awake, but she dare move a muscle in fear of disrupting me. When I finally hint I want to stand, she rushes to her feet to stand with me. I don't want to leave the mare, but I start walking home. Surprisingly, the mare follows. She follows me to the front door, onto the deck, and she even tries to follow me inside, but my mother stops her.

"Dani! You had me worried! What happened? Where did you go? Who is this?" Mother asks, making my head hurt.

I didn't want to talk to her, but Ethan walks out to greet me, so I whisper it to him.

"She said she went to see the view, and she fell asleep. When she awoke, this horse was here and refused to leave her side," Ethan explains. He tries to hug me, but the mustang steps between us.

"What happened here?" My father asks, stepping onto the porch. My mother explains and he sits there complentating the facts.

"Can we keep her? Pleeeeeaasseeeee?" Ethan begs. "It will make Dani so much happier! Plus, I'm sure Buster would love a new friend!" Buster was his little Welsh Pony.

For the first time in months, I smile.

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