Chapter Fourteen

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        The next day, Father and I brought Angel to the vet to get some stitches for her wound. Thankfully, Angel got away with a wound that wasn't too deep. She got away with only seven stitches and a slight, barely visible limp.

        We get home and get greeted by a sobbing Kira.

        "I'-.... S-so... Sorr-ry!" she says inbetween sobs. She then chokes out how it was an accident and how she was just angry and... And I completely ignore her and just lead Angel to her stall.


        (Four weeks later)

        I still don't talk, except to Angel. I whisper in her ear as I slip her bridle over her face and secure it, swinging the reins onto her back. I mount off we go for a trail ride. I enjoy riding alone with Angel, as it's peaceful and makes me happy. I know that a big storm is planned for tonight, but Angel hasn't been ridden for a few days, so I decide to go on a short hack.

        Soon enough, I find a natural trail that Angel and I have never traveled on. I decide to check it out. After about an hour, I feel rain drops hitting my face. I turn Angel around and we head back in the way we came from. The rain gets heavier and we approach a fork in the trail. Great. I make a wild guess and choose the left side. We canter down the trail together, getting increasingly more worried when I see nothing familiar. We turn back to the fork and pick the right side.

        The rain is falling so hard now, it's difficult to see. I'm shivering and I'm sure Angel's frozen as well. Relieved that I see familiar trail markings, I begin to relax a bit.

        Until I hear the unmistakeable growl of a mountain lion.

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