Chapter Eight

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I was so impressed by the fact that Angel responded to me so well. She trusted me, followed me, listened to my every wish. After our little test in the driveway, I dismounted Angel and walked towards the plateau where I met her. Taking in all the beautiful summer scenery, I walked slowly, Angel by my right side.

The occasional squawk of a bird was the only sound to be heard other than our steps on the slightly soft ground. When we reached the overhang, I sat, looking across the valley cut by a river. I've been to the river only once, a fun day trip with Father, Ms. Margret, and Calypso.


I sigh as I think her name, relieved when Angel gracefully plops down beside me, scooting closer, craving human touch. I leaned into her, pressing my face into her mane.
"I love you," I whispered.

I was surprised by my voice, so certain and clear. I only spoke to my brother because I trusted him, but now I regret that. I trust Angel, and no one else.


We sat at the cliff for a while, me stroking Angel's hair as she places her head in my lap. When I stand, she follows in suit, offering her back to bring me home. I mount the tall white mare, and she safely brings me back home, just in time for lunch.

I sit on the porch with Angel, who refuses to leave my side. Ethan brings me some lemonade, and I nod to thank him. I'm overcome with shyness and humiliation all of the sudden, so even if I did speak, it would only come out as a whisper. Mother comes out of the door a few moments later, holding a roast beef sandwhich. I take it and slowly eat, handing the side carrots to Angel.

After our picnic, Angel and I take a short walk up the road to my best friend Kira's house. I texted her at least once a week when I went into depression, just so she knew I was okay. I hate it when she worries.

Kira also has horses, each person in her household has a horse. Except her younger sister, Jocelyn, who has a pony. Kira has a beautiful bay named Fargo, and I always enjoyed trail rides with Kira, Fargo, and Callie.

I slowly walk up to the front door, making sure Angel doesn't step foot on their porch. Kira's mother, Deb, opens the door.

"... Dani?" she asks, opening the door wider. "Oh my! Dani! Your up and walking! Oh! And a horse?"
I nod shyly and hear Kira run down the stairs.

"Mom? Who is it?" she asks.

"Kira! It's Dani!" she exclaims.

{Sorry for the semi-short chapter thing. I'll try to update more often, sowwwyyyyy. Please leave feedback if you are enjoying! Also, leave a vote or share it with your equestrian buddies so this book can get more reads! Tankkkyuuu}

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