Chapter Seven

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I'm just glad its summer. I would hate to leave Angel alone in the paddock with Ethan's silly pony all day. To be honest, that pony annoys everyone. All he wants is food and pats.
When Father comes out to feed Ms. Margaret and Buster, I write out 'escape artist' on the ground and point to Angel. He laughs and heads into the tool room, grabbing some screws and a drill. Going to one of the extra stalls, he takes the lock off of the door and reattaches it to Angels stall, down low so she can't reach it.

"That should do it," he says, attempting to pet Angel's white neck. But instead, she throws her head back in protest and steps away. "Or not," he mutters. 

After I'm done my chores of re filling her water and feed trough and cleaning her stall, I stand in front of Angel who is positioned outside her stall in the cross ties. I study her face, her warm green brown eyes looking into mine. I think a while and walk to the tack room. There, I grab Calypso's old bitless bridle. It wasn't really a bridle, just a nice leather halter with leather reins attached to it. It was perfect for moving Callie around with zero pain. People called me crazy, but Callie meant the world to me and I would never be able to put a bit in her mouth.

I waltz back to Angel, happy with the thought of Callie, and replace her halter with the 'bridle'. Carefully, I slip onto her back, trying not to spook her. I give her sides a gentle tap, motioning her to walk. She does.

Has she been trained? It seems like she is, but she doesn't trust anyone but me to touch her. Was she abused? No, no scars or soft spots. Neglected? Maybe, but she seems fairly well fed. Let loose? Who would let such a perfect horse loose?

My mind is swirling with thoughts as I lead Angel into the round pen with me atop her back. Like yesterday, we start with a trot, and we even canter a bit. She listens to my every command. When we are done our little session, i walk her out of the pen to test my theory.

We stand in the driveway, me on her back. I motion her to walk, and she does. I turn my torso to the right slightly, and to my amazement, she turns right.

{Sorry for the short chapter, I had to upload something... Expect more of this book soon, I put it on hold because no one was reading it ;-;
But comment if you enjoy this book, I would love some feedback}

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