3 | Pirate Attack

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third person pov:

It was late at night

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It was late at night. The sun has hidden below the horizon and the moon had risen into the night sky.

Most of the people at the doc had fallen asleep, leaving the entire place silent except for the sounds of the crashing waves against the shore and the drunks at the bar down the street.

Sir James had gone into the captains cabin after attending a few buisness matters. The rest of the crew entered their quarters for the night while Isabella was held against her will somewhere below deck.

James didn't care about the perdicament Isabella was in, after all he's the one who put her in it. He only needed a beautiful wife and luckily for him, unlucky for her, he found one in the Carribean.

She wasn't a high class gold digger like the ones from his town. He wasn't quite fond of them. He knew marrying someone from a lower estate would be very easy, which is why he did it.

Especially from an idiotic mother who was so willing to give up her daughters hand in marriage for money.

The women from James community would beg for riches and all materialistic things that he was too selfish to give. Having a wife who came from poverty, he could give so little and she believed it would suffice.

Lowering the bar. The bare minimum.

He just needed a pretty body and face to show off. He got just what he wanted.

Sir James was a man full of ambition and determination, an admirable trait to an extent. He always got what he wanted but lacked sympathy and compassion, he didn't care what he had to do to get what he wanted.

This time James had crossed a different line a little too far and tonight he was facing the consequences.

A group of sea travelers: a woman with four men behind her sneaked towards the unguarded loading doc where the ships were docked. The sounds of their boots clicking on the wooden floors were low as they made there way onto James' ship.

They walked almost silently, not disturbing any bystanders and pedestrians.

Take back what was stolen. In and out.

As they climbed onto the ship they noticed a man was laying on the bowsprit, so deep in his slumber not aware of the enemys that entered.

The tall man pointed to different directions, each member on his crew walking into different areas of the ship.

It all happened so quickly.

The first moment each person walked onto the ship quietly and undistruptive. The next everyone was yelling, cursing and getting physically aggressive.

Below deck Isabella was awakened by the chaotic footsteps, sound of clashing swords and muffled arguments.

She had no idea of the brutal fight that was going on above her.

She sat up from the dirty floor while brushing the gunk from her bare legs and scanned around the room once more, checking if she missed anything that would assist her in escaping.

If she could, she would leave now that James and his crew were distracted with the intruders upstairs.

But nothing. No avail.

The cell was nothing but three heavy walls and an iron gate.

Before she could make any decision she heard fast footsteps running down the wooden steps. She leans closer to the bars, her cheek touching the cold metal.

She saw an unfamiliar woman searching the lower deck, someone she had not seen when she first arrived. "Help!" She yelled in hopes of being rescued by the stranger.

The woman turned around, her long blond hair swinging over her shoulder. She gripped the sword tighter and raised it in front of her as she walked towards the holding cells, looking for whos pleading.

"Please! Help me!" Isabella cried out. The tall woman looked down to see the carribean girl trapped in a cell.

"Please!" Her voice cracked as she spoke in a thick accent "He took me away from my family and locked down here."

That was partly true. He didn't take her, he traded her. Yet either way it was still against her will and she wanted out.

The woman showed a face of distress, not knowing what to do and stuck in a picking desicion.

She was about to walk away, get what she came for and leave as directed but Isabella's cry for help pulled her back.

She knew of James. His reputation. She's seen the way he treated women, people in general. He's unfiltered: racist, sexist and disrespectful and that's saying the least. If this woman was another victim of his harassment and assault, she knew she'd be wrong not to save her.

The woman looked around for a second, a few feet away from the gate. Isabella stared at her with eyes of desperation.

She took the pistol from her waist and shot the lock, causing it to chip and loosen. Isabella put her arms through the bars and unlocked it while the woman kept her gun facing her.

Isabella put her hands up, nothing but the pistol pointed at her.

"Don't try anything." The woman said.

"Gracias." Her voice cracked.

"Come on." The woman cocked her head and ran down the hall with Isabella behind her.

She ran all the way down and up some stairs, leading them to a different part of the ship Isabella hadn't visited.

When she came up the view was frightening, everyone fighting. Some with their bare fist others with weapons. The sounds of swords clashing while everyone yelled profanities caught Isabella off guard.

The woman handed Isabella her sword and ran down the deck, swerving past the fighting men.

"Where are you going?" A man with a reeking stench of alcohol grabbed her vigorously.

Out of fear and quick reflex Isabella swung the sword at him, leaving a gash on his upper arm.

The man yelped in pain and swung his sword back at her, his blood dripping onto the wood.

She lifted her sword up to block herself, both swords clashing against each other.

The man began pushing down and Isabella found herself closer to the floor.

She looked around to find the woman who helped her fist fighting another woman.

She thought fast, Isabella quickly let go of the sword causing the man to stumble forwards. She grabbed the fallen sword from the floor and ran.

The intruders began running off the ship, across a long wooden plank and into another one parallel.

The woman yelled "Let's go!" to Isabella. She ran down the wood and jumped to the other ships plank.

Isabella hesitated for a breif moment until she heard the yells from the crew that had abducted her. Turning back she saw them running towards her, so she immediately ran and jumped without thinking.

She landed on wobbly wood then ran down onto the main deck of the other ship.

The ship began sailing away. "Wait! Angelo!" Someone called out while pointing to James' ship.

A tall man was seen sprinting off the boat and jumping to the one Isabella was in. Immediately the ship began sailing away fast,

and away from James.

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