9 | The Journey Back

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"I'm fine

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"I'm fine."

Everyone had left back to the ship, including James, who have made his threat very clear which struct fear into my heart. "I have to go back."


I run out the ballroom and down an elegant hallway with cream colored walls, trying to find an exit. "I'm sorry." I apologize in advance "He's going back for my mother, I'm scared of what he'll do to her. I have to go back before he does."

Angelo follows next to me and nods in understanding. He sees why I'm scared, he fully understands James intentions. In fact, he probably knows them better than I do.

"Okay..." he speaks with sadness laced in his voice "we'll take you back."

I stop walking and turn to look at him, "Thank you."


Everyone is already on the ship when we get there, Angelo starts calling on people to get the ship and themselves ready for the trip. The crew scurries around the dock preparing the sails and ropes.

"Lets get you in something more appropriate." Catherines comes up to me and shows me towards the crews closet, taking me out of the big dress and putting me into clothing similar to everyone else's.

I walk back to the main dock towards Angelo, who's helping Philip with a tasks. "Do you need anything done?" I ask him, offering my assistance.

In the first week of sailing I was shown around the ship and how to handle the majority of things. Thanks to Cathy she helped me adjust quickly and easily to the sea traveling life- honestly I enjoy it.

In the beginning I didn't, it was scary especially at night. Surrounded by darkness and heavy waves. I remember closing the curtains in Angelo's room, wanting to block the view.

Pero now looking around, it feels completely different than before. Peaceful. This must be the same way everyone else feels, the reason why they travel through the sea.

The night sky sprinkled with stars. The sounds of the crashing waves, the salty air and cool wind. It's very different from my previous life and I liked it, this type of change I would've enjoyed.


"Come with me," Angelo replys and starts walking upstairs away from everyone else.

"What happened?" He asks and crosses his arms in front of him, speaking like a captain. "We didn't speak about it much before. I told you we didn't have to but I kind of, I don't want to seem entitled, feel the need to know how you got here. More detail of what happened between you and James."

I look at him for a moment, it's not a super long story, it's simple actually. I shouldn't be overthinking this.

"I want to protect you." He tells me.

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