Chapter 6

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A/N: Oh my gods! I updated twice in one day for you! xD!! You gotta love me!


That's me ^^^ :)        Read on!!!

Zoe's POV

"Are you excited for the dance?" Collin asks, as we walk towards the Dining Pavilion. We don't actually eat here, we just sneak some food and then go and practice.

"I guess." I say, shrugging. "You seem pretty excited about it."

"No, I'm not excited. I'm very excited." he says. I laugh.

"Of course you are, Collin." I say. As we reach the pavilion, I sneak past the Poseidon table, grabbing a sandwich off of my dad's plate. He doesn't even notice, he's too busy speaking with Chiron. "You're turn." I say, turning to Collin. He rolls his eyes dramatically.

"Fine." he says, tripping over his feet as he makes his way to the Hephaestus table. I can't help but laugh as I take a quick bite of my turkey and cheese sandwich. I see Collin sneak a quick bite of spaghetti from his dad's plate, and takes his cup of water. He also makes his way over to Calypso, his mother. He's about to take her plate, when she reaches up and grabs his arm. I curse under my breath.

"Hey, look!" I yell. Everyone's attention turns towards me. Dang, what am I going to say now? I take a deep breath. "Mrs. O'Leary got loose! She's running towards the borders!"

I watch Collin as he slips the plate away from his mother, smirking towards me. "Thanks." I say, slipping a chocolate chip cookie off of it.

"Hey!" he whines, sticking out his bottom lip. I wink at him, running out the back from the pavilion.

After a bit, he catches up with me. "We have to train." I tell him, as I finish the last few bites of my delicious sandwich. "Come on."

He picks up his bow, and loads an arrow into it. He lets it go, and it sails into the center of a nearby tree. I gasp. "Collin!" I yell, as a wood nymph slips out of the tree.

"Hey!" the nymph yells, glaring at Collin.

"Sorry!" he replies. The nymph marches off, mumbling things.

"Nice job, Collin." I say, shaking my head. I grab my swords, and I practice the disarming technique with Collin.

"Are we done yet?" he asks after about thirty minutes.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go see how Sebastian is doing. I saw him earlier and he didn't look to well. Want to come with?" I ask. He nods his head slowly.

"Sure, but isn't he guarding the borders right now?" Collin asks me. I nod. "We aren't allowed to leave the camp, though."

"Just stepping outside the borders is fine, I guess. What could hurt?" I smile. I turn my swords into daggers, and slide them in their sheaths.

Sebastian's POV

I waited patiently outside of the borders, watching for any sign of movement and listening for any noise. So far, nothing happened. This is normally how it goes on my shifts.

Suddenly, I hear a noise. I immediatley reach for my spear, and turn in the direction it came from.

"Hey." Zoe says, smiling at me. "Don't kill me, okay?"

I lower my spear, and return to looking out in the direction of the nearby road. "What's wrong?" Collin asks.

"Nothing. Get back inside the borders before you get mauled." I say.

"I don't want to." Zoe says, coming to stand next to me. "Seriously, are you okay?" she asks.

"I'm fine." I state, not moving to look at her.

"It doesn't seem like it." she mutters. Why is she so annoying?

"I'm fine, okay? Just don't talk to me!" I yell, throwing down the helmet I was currently wearing. Zoe looks at me, eyes wide.

"I didn't even do any-" she starts, but I cut her off.

"Shut up!" I yell, stomping back inside the borders. I never should have done that, I never should have left them alone...

A/N: Sorry if it was confusing...the whole "switching between character POVs in the middle thing". I just thought the two chapters were really short so I smushed them together.

QOTC: What's your favorite color?

AOTC: Teal!!!

If you have an instagram, follow my fandom account - @the.halfblood.queen and my personal @karate.rylie

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