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Makoto grumbles as he tries to wake himself up. Someone's knocking.

"C-coming!" He quickly slips on his jacket and a pair of pants. He quickly unlocks the doors, surprised to see a pair of glasses glaring down on him.

"O-oh. Hello Togami!" Makoto smiles and waves a little. Byakuya seems to be a little redder than usual.

"Would you like to come in?" Makoto feels a little weird just standing there looking at the blond. Without even answering, Byakuya walks past Makoto and sits in one of the small wicker chairs provided by Monokuma.

"N-Naegi...." Byakuya looks at Makoto for a second before snapping his head back to look in the other direction.

"Yeah? Is...Is something wrong?" Makoto sits across from Byakuya, face flushing a little pink.

" didn't talk to Junko at all today...Did you?" He seems nervous.

"No...I haven't seen anyone at all today.." an image of the messages flash through Makoto's mind.

"I did get a message from someone thou-" Before Makoto can finish his sentence, Byakuya stands up and angrily pins him to the wall.

"What. Did. It. Say." Byakuya seems angry and nervous. Makoto can barely answer from the shock.

"I-Uhm.." Makoto gulps. "It s-said that someone had t-talked to you..."

"And." Byakuya's anger seems to simmer down a bit, and pink creeps up his neck. Makoto feels his face burn.

"And they asked I-if I w-wanted to know w-what you said...." Byakuya's face changes from anger to fear.

" didn't...say yes...did you?" Byakuya keeps the brunette pinned to the wall even as he tries to wriggle away from him.

"N-no...Of course not." Makoto feels a tear or two growing in his eyes. Byakuya's scary, even when his face is pink with blush.

"Good." Byakuya continues to hold Makoto against the wall.

"T-Togami.....Y-your...Hurting me..." Makoto is crying now.

Without another word, Byakuya let's go of Makoto's shirt and leaves. Or Makoto thinks he does, but really, he just stands outside of the room, face flushed with pink and heart heavy from seeing the small boy in pain.

Byakuya's POV

Byakuya hates seeing people cry. He hates being the cause of pain and the tears even more. Even after he leaves the dorm, he can still hear Makoto crying. Byakuya puts his head between his knees and let's a tear or two slide down his cheeks.

"M-master? W-what...Was that?" The blond is up in a flash and he stares angrily at the girl in braids.

"What were y-you doing with....Him." She says him like she's disgusted.

"I was just....You know what. I don't have to answer you." He starts to walk away from Toko and away from Makoto's tears.

"I know you don't have to....But I have friends who like gossip...this may please them..."

At this Byakuya stops walking. He had to think this though. After a moment of though, he sighs and starts his plan.

"You wouldn't want to ruin master's reputation, would you?" He puts a hand under Toko's chin and lifts it a little. He hated what was going to happen, but this is what he had to do.

"M-master..." Toko's face flushes pink.

"O-of course not....I don't want to ruin you..."

"And just to make sure..." Byakuya kisses her cheek lightly. The blond almost gags as he walks away from the dazed girl, a few words running through his mind.

Toko finally got what she wanted.

I'm sorry I've been dead I've been busy with YouTube and school.

.+Look at you strawberry blonde+. ~ A Naegami fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now