~You Really Thought~

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Hawks moves down to your neck finding your weak spot, causing you to let out small, soft moans.

Hawks: Looks like I found your weak spot... Let us find your other ones...

Hawks starts taking off your white, cotton shirt, still kissing you in-between. After he has your shirt all the way off and throws it on the floor, he starts sucking and biting on your collarbone, leaving light hickeys.

Hawks: You're mine now that I've marked you~

You look at him with a mischievous look in your eyes, and you smirk at him.

Y/N: And if I refuse?

You say this with a devious smile across your face, making you look a bit deceitful. You place your hands on his chest, he loves it when you even graze his hand, it gives the slightest feeling of butterflies to the stomach. 

 Hawks: Don't worry Kid... after tonight... you won't be able to...

Y/N: We'll see about that...

You get off his lap and start walking off feeling pleased with your action. Hawks, on the other hand, didn't take much of a liking to this action. He leaps off his place on the couch and gets over to you faster then you could even make it to the bedroom, and slams you against his white walls of the hallway, not hard enough to inflict damage, but enough to stress that he wasn't happy with you. He wanted to make sure you wouldn't be able to move, so he put his knee between your legs. You can tell, even tho it is darker down the hallway due to the sun going down and no extra lights were on, that he was a bit angered by you walking off. He tilts his head, looking at you straight in E/C hues.

Hawks: Who said you could get up?

You look away for a second, gathering yourself after being slammed into the wall. You were flustered a bit, and in pain, just a little. When you finally looked back up at him, seeing he is waiting patiently for your answer. You give him a devilish grin while saying,

Y/N: I did Bird Brain... 

Hawks didn't look any better then he did before, but he secretly loved that you were a brat, it's more fun to him personally. He chuckles lightly before grabbing your neck, hitting the pressure points on the sides of your neck. 

Hawks: Look here you brat, I don't know who you think is in control, but it's definitely not you. So, don't even try to do things outta line because I know exactly how to punish a brat like you. We are going to go at the pace I want, not yours. Got it.

His last comment wasn't a question, but a command. You began to think back your dream and when you daydreamed and it excites you, but you hide it from him. You wanted to make it hard for him to have his fun. You wanted to tease him, so you started to grind on his knee, that was in-between your legs, causing his breath to hitch in his throat. Hearing his breath hitching, you start grinding faster. 

Y/N: And if I don't go your pace...

You start to put your hands up his shirt. You can feel his toned abs, and you can feel his heart about to beat out of his chest. You love to tease, it is so easy to tease as well. 

Hawks: I-I-it won't end w-well f-for, you Kid...

He couldn't even get a sentence out without stuttering over almost every word. He starts kissing your neck, hoping to regain control, but fails. You started to grind on his knee even faster. Both of your guy's breathing got heavier as things got more intense. He wants to have control over you right now, but you put up one hell of a fight. You start grinding closer to his dick, causing him to gasp when you hit his tip. He picks you up and starts to turn toward the bedroom.

Hawks: How about we finish this somewhere more private~

He continues to kiss your neck, leaving light hickeys all over. He opens the door and walks in, kicking the door shut after he entered. Hawks gently throws you on the bed, taking his black shirt off before crawling over to you. When he was taking off his shirt, you couldn't help but stare in awe. He didn't take any notice to your staring and gets on top of you. He starts tucking on your jean shorts getting impatient to be inside of you, knowing you'd feel so good. You look down at him, wanting to go all the way right now, but you also don't want to take it to fast. 

Y/N: Quick question, Do you really think I'd let you do this?

He looks at you, puzzled by your question.

Hawks: Huh...?

You throw him off you and into the wall with your a telekinesis quirk. You hoped you didn't hurt him too much because you do feel something when you look into those amber eyes. As you walk out of the bedroom and into the living room, grabbing your white shirt of the wooden floor and put it back on. You let Hawks fall from the wall, and grab your phone that Hawks bought you a few days ago, and call Alex. After a few seconds of ringing, Alex picks you the phone.

Alex: Hey Y/N! How are you? 

Y/N: Hey, I'm definitely feeling better, just had to stop something... How fast could you get here?

Alex: Y/N what happened?! Did Hawks do something to you?!

Y/N: I'll explain when you get here... so how fast can you get here?

Alex: I'm coming over right now. I'll be there soon!

The line goes dead before you could say anything more, and you patiently wait for your mate to get here.


This chapter was a roller coaster of emotions. I will make an NSFW for the sinners out there. So stay tuned for that, it'll be up shortly unless I gotta clean or something. If you haven't seen my message, then here soon I'll be starting school, so posting will be limited. I will try to post as much as I can! Tuesdays are a no go tho, I got Marching Band and Cheer on that day. Hope you all have a great day! 

~1087 words~

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