one - new home

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chapter i.

❝ It's fine ❞

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❝ It's fine ❞

forks, washington
( italicized: speaking russian )

I COULDN'T help but shiver as I felt the cold wind make contact with my skin. I gritted my teeth and wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm from the harsh winds of Seattle. Noticing my parents quickly walking to the SUV parked right outside, completely ignoring me, I followed after them. Opening the back door of the vehicle, I didn't hesitate to get inside; wanting to get out of the cold winds.

My head rested against the window with headphones in; blocking the rest of the world. I frowned in confusion as trees took over my view ― the city seemed to have disappeared. Shrugging, I went back to daydreaming and mouthing the lyrics of the current song that played on my cassette player.

The sound of the SUV coming to a stop made me open my eyes, after falling asleep for the rest of the way and glanced out to see a dark brown, two-story house. Groaning, I opened the door lazily, not wanting to get out, with my backpack slung over one of my shoulders. I grabbed the rest of my luggage from the back of the SUV before making my way inside my new home.

Once inside, I let my eyes wander the house. The first thing that caught my eye was the ugly, green carpet, making me scrunch up my nose in disgust. I walked further into the house: to my right was a small office, which I assumed would be a place where my parents made their usual business, and to my left was the living room which wasn't much.

"Do you like it?" The sound of my mother's voice made me roll my eyes. With my usual poker face on, when I was around her or my dad, I simply shrugged.

"I'm going to get my stuff to my room," I muttered, dragging my suitcase towards the stairs.

Upstairs was much better than downstairs. I headed down the hall to the last room on my right. The room was fairly big with grey walls, a large bed in the middle of the room, and a large window that gave me access to the backyard filled with trees.

Sighing, I placed my suitcase on top of my bed and began to take out my clothes. I spent the next hour in a half making the room feel more like me. Knowing we would be spending a couple of weeks here before traveling somewhere else, I needed to feel some sense of comfort by making the room homier.

Afterward, I collapsed on the bed in exhaustion. Due to the time difference, I felt extremely tired and all that I wanted to do was crawl into bed. But the sound of my mother's voice calling for me from downstairs interrupted that dream.

"Yeah?" I stepped into the kitchen where both my mother and father were sitting at the dining table with a bunch of papers spread out. Not even a full day inside our new house and they felt the need to drown themselves in a bunch of paperwork.

Without looking up from the papers in her hands, my mother responded, "Your father and I will be heading back to Seattle to settle some things regarding the latest partnership we made with an American business. Would you like to come with us?"

Honestly, I did not want to go with them. I was extremely tired and just wanted to sleep. "I really just want to sleep."

Still not looking up from the papers in her hands, my mother nodded her head, "Alright. Money will be left on the kitchen counter for you to buy food. We don't know if we'll be back tonight. It depends on how it goes in Seattle."

I was used to them leaving me alone most of the time, so I just shrugged in response ― wanting to go back to my room and sleep. And that's what I did.

When I woke up the house was empty and the sun was starting to set outside. I looked at the clock which read 7:45 PM. I had been asleep for ten hours ― go me. Walking to the kitchen I grabbed the money my mother left for me and made my way back to my room where I changed into some jeans and a sweater. I stuffed the money, phone, and a pack of cigarettes in my back pocket before grabbing a beanie. I walked downstairs, put my shoes on and beanie then stepped outside.

Forks, Washington was such a small town that everything was within a walking distance. I walked around for ten minutes before I finally found a place where I could get some dinner. The diner, Carver Cafe, was small which I liked. I sat down at a table and it wasn't long before a waitress came to take my order.

"I'll just take a burger," I smiled. "Thanks."

"Coming right up sweetheart."

Pulling out my phone I begin to type out a message to send to Ivan but quickly delete it knowing very well he would be sleeping. In boredom, I look around the diner to see what kind of people littered around this town. Sadly, there were no interesting people that caught my eye. A couple of minutes went by when the waitress came back to my table with my food.

"Enjoy your meal," I muttered thanks to Sidney, which was the name tag on her uniform. I grabbed my burger and dug in. To say the least: it was delicious.

I left Sidney a ten-dollar tip before walking back outside to the chilly weather. Not wanting to go back to an empty house, I decided to explore more of Forks ― not many people were out. Pulling out a cigarette from my back pocket and lighting it, I continued walking around the small town in hopes of finding something entertaining that would occupy my time for the next couple of weeks during my stay. It was sad to say that there was literally nothing that caught my eye.

Mentally sulking, I made my way back to the house, putting out my cigarette before stepping inside the house my family and I would be staying at. My eyes stung with unshed tears as I stood in the dark hallway of an empty house. Since I was a child, I was always surrounded by the loneliness of an empty house where it was supposed to be filled with loving memories. I blinked repeatedly to get rid of the tears that were threatening to fall.

"It's fine," I whispered, my voice echoing. With a heavy heart, I locked the front door and made my way back to my room.

Not having anything else to do I decided to go to bed; even if I just woke up from a long nap. I changed into some pajamas, washed my face, and brushed my teeth before getting under the covers and closing my eyes. Praying for a better day tomorrow.

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