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chapter 00.

❝ Don't know

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❝ Don't know. Don't care ❞

sochi, russia
( italicized: speaking russian )

FOG OF smoke escaped the young girl's mouth with a large exhale. Her eyes stayed fixed on a spot in the ceiling and the more she continued to stare the more it was starting to look like a face. Or maybe she was just high.

"Damn Nora, inhale the whole joint why don't you."

Smirking, the young girl turned around to face her group of friends, "Too bad you can't get on my level."

Nora Morzov walked over to her boyfriend, Ivan, and placed her joint on his lips. Ivan grabbed her by her waist and made her sit on his lap as he inhaled before releasing it seconds later, white smoke coming out.

The night dragged on like this; with Nora and her friends drinking and smoking on her living room floor.

"When are your parents getting home?" Nora looked over to her friend Galina. Her eyes were red from all the joints and tequila in her system making her slur her words.

"Don't know. Don't care." The dark brown-haired girl mumbled against the top of her beer bottle. Ivan chuckled while also taking a sip from his beer.

As the clock neared midnight, Nora made everyone clean up the mess in the living room before kicking them out of her house and went straight to her room to sleep. But just as she was starting to drift off, the sound of the front door opening woke her up. The young girl groaned and placed her pillow over her head, hoping to disappear.

"Nora!" At the mention of her name Nora just grumbled, not moving from her position in her bed. Silence filled the giant house which left the girl wondering if her parents left again, but her question was answered as footsteps were heard coming up the stairs.

"Nora," the young girl didn't bother to look from under her pillow to know it was her mother, "We're leaving for America tomorrow so make sure you pack your bags."

Nora's mother didn't even bother to make sure that her daughter heard a word she said before going back downstairs to her husband. Unsurprised, Nora took the pillow away from her face and laid face up on her bed ― staring at the ceiling with a blank look on her face.

Once again they were leaving Russia to go live in another country for some time before they moved to another country ― again. Nora slowly got out of her bed and went straight to her bathroom, which was connected to her room, and turned on the shower. The dark brown-haired girl stared herself in the bathroom mirror, emotionless brown eyes staring back at her. Tears welled up in the corner of her eyes, but she refused to let them drop. Sniffling, she stepped away from the mirror and started to undress before getting in the shower.

The hot steaming water burned Nora's back, but she didn't move or bother to turn down the water; the burning sensation felt numb to the young girl. Half an hour later Nora stepped out of the shower and wrapped a white cotton towel around her body. The young girl let out an exhausted sigh, going to her closet to search for her pj's and underwear.

After getting dressed and blow-drying her long hair, Nora happily collapsed back in her bed; however, she found herself lying awake with her thoughts. Nora continued to switch sides throughout the night until she finally found a comfortable position in her bed and drifted off.

The last thought Nora Morozov's mind could not shake off was where she was heading off to now.

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