six - going crazy or making a furry friend?

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chapter vi.

❝ You're not such a scary beast as you look ❞

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❝ You're not such a scary beast as you look ❞

la push, washington

ARRIVING BACK to Forks, my parents didn't waste any time before leaving back to the city again. I didn't mind as long as I got to stay home and spend my time with the Quileute boys.

Resting my head on the cold window of the empty bus taking me down to La Push, I managed to get a few z's until my stop came; I, also, did not waste any time once I came back to Forks to go down to La Push. Once I felt the bus come to a stop, I immediately got u from my seat, eyes still droopy from my nap, and got off— being greeted by the same old cloudy sky and the smell of the salty ocean.

Making my way to the cliffs, I looked around to see if I spotted the buff bodies of the only two people I knew on the reservation. To my disappointment, my eyes didn't catch the sight of either Jared or Sam.

Letting out a sigh, I began walking down the beach by the shoreline— my thoughts taking me back to the night before. Hazel eyes appeared, making me smirk as I remembered his flustered face when he saw me in just a towel.

"I didn't even get his name..."

Without thinking, I began walking towards the forest that surrounded the reservation. Doesn't hurt to explore some more. Taking out my cassette player, I played one of my favorite songs before securing my headphones on my ears.

Once trees were the only thing I could see in all directions, I began to doubt the state of my mentality that made me think it was right to walk in the middle of the forest that was roaming with wild animals. That doubt flew out the window once my eyes made contact with a river stream with a waterfall. It was beautiful.

Speeding up, I smiled at the sight of small fishes swimming at the surface; crouching down I let my eyes wander at the sight in front of me. Humming to the tune of a song in my head, I grabbed a stick laying beside me and began dipping it in the water, moving it along, smiling as a fish began following it around.

My train of thought was cut off when the sound of leaves crunching reached my ears, making me tense up and turn in the direction of the noise. My flight or fight instinct kicked in as my heart began hammering against my chest.

Not looking away from the direction of the noise, I slowly stood up and began walking backward, getting in a position to dash it; although, I wouldn't be able to outrun a wild animal looking for food.

'I should just run for it! Take my chance!'

However, I was frozen in place when a wolf the size of a bear came out from behind the tree that the noise came from. I felt my stomach drop and my heart leap to my throat at the sight in front of me― sweat covering the palms of my hands and tears forming at the corner of my eyes. A whimper escaped my lips, legs shaking in absolute fear, and choked breaths escaping my throat.

The dark brown wolf let out a whine and took a small tentative step forwards, that's when I lost it. A sob escaped my lips as I tried to step back but tripped over a root and fell on my back. With tears streaming down my face I began crawling back, scraping my hands against twigs and rocks.

In front of me, the wolf let out a whimper and proceeded to lay down, lowering his head to the ground, while maintaining his dark orbs trained on my pathetic form. Minutes passed before my accelerated heart and breathing slowed down altogether, and I was able to look at the beast in front of me.

We sat in silence, for who knows how long until I gathered up the courage to reach over and place my hand over its snout. His tail wagged behind him but remained still, his head low to the ground. The corner of my lips lifted into a smile.

"You're not such a scary beast as you look," I muttered, pulling my hand away.

Grabbing my things, I made sure to move at an agonizingly slow pace to not alert the beast in front of me or show any sign that I was a threat. Its dark brown eyes never left my figure as I did and lifted its giant head from the ground. Dusting the dirt off my clothes, I began making my way away from the field and the giant wolf who had not taken its eyes away from me. For some reason it made me feel safe, a giant guard dog.

"Well... I'm heading... that way now..." I pointed in a random direction, "You can just... I don't know, go look for some bunnies to snack on."

Tilting its head to the side, the wolf seemed amused at my comment which made me chuckle. Standing to its full height the... I'm going to assume it's he and name him Igor— he looks like a warrior― and began walking towards me but this time I didn't panic and stood my ground. He would have killed me if he wanted to already.

With his snout, Igor began pushing me in the opposite direction I had pointed to. "Wow, okay I understand. I'm probably going to get lost if I go that way so you lead the way, Igor."

At the name Igor, his dark brown eyes looked straight into mine— most likely giving me a deadpanned look, making me giggle. "I'm sorry if you don't like that name, but I got to name you something." Whining, Igor shook his body as a protest of the name I had adopted him with.

Going back to pushing me with his snout, I allowed him to lead me away from the field and into the woods. For some reason, I felt a sense of trust and reassurance walking beside this giant beast, like nothing could hurt me.

Walking in silence, I kept a firm grip on Igor's fur to keep myself from falling on my face due to the wet mud. Before I knew it I was standing right outside the edge of the woods next to La Push Beach.

Patting Igor's side affectionately I made my way out of the woods, "Thanks Igor, hope to see you soon and don't kill too many bunnies out there!"

I didn't look back to check if Igor was gone and kept walking towards the bus stop to take me back to Forks.

"Ugh, I need a smoke," I groaned, throwing my backpack at the edge of my bed before pulling out my pack of cigarettes and lighting one up. Sitting at the window sill and opening the window, I puffed out after inhaling the smoke from my cigar. Letting my thoughts wander, I began thinking of Igor and it began to sink in how I just discovered a wolf the size of a bear living in the woods of Washington.

'No one would believe me even if I tried to say anything...'

Sighing, I put out my remaking cigarette and walked to one of my nightstands to retrieve my notebook and pencil. And for the first time in five years, I began to draw.

Igor's furry face was still clear as day in my mind as I outlined his dark brown eyes and shaded the area around his eyes darker than the rest of the drawing.

Once I was done, I ripped it out of my notebook and placed it on my desk. Maybe I'll hang it up somewhere.

Looking at the clock, I noticed that it was only 10 PM, but for some reason, my eyes felt heavy, and fought back a yawn that threatened to slip past my lips. Not having anything else to do, I decided to head to bed— hoping for another day like today.

'I'll try to see if I see Igor tomorrow... or Jared.'

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