chapter 7 : taking a break

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Kate : lets head back....

Kate and kirito returned to the assault team.

Heathcliff : goodwork both of you.

Kate : koharu....

Koharu : kate!

Koharu starts running towards kate , and hugged him...

All the warriors felt guilty after seeing them like this.

Koharu lets him go and hugs him : i'm so glad you're ok! i thought....i thought...!

Kate : lets go back to town...

Koharu : m-mhm....

Kate and koharu teleported to the town of beginings....

Heathcliff :did you get the information?

Asuna : yes , his unique skill : damned blade.

Kirito : yeah, but even for a two-handed sword user, he sure was fast.

Heathcliff : the red-eyed demon  the blade of the damned user, he surely is strong but...he won't get out alive.....

Kirito: what do you mean?

Heathcliff : kirito you can go to the next floor if you want.

Kirito : ......

Kirito leaves....

The 10th floor...

Kate puts down koharu : sorry for making you worry about me.

Koharu : can i ask you something about the real world?

Kate : ask away....

Koharu : do people really hate you?

Kate : i....i don't.....

Koharu : n-no you don't have to answer sorry for asking!

Kate : koharu i want to say something..........i don't think ill be able to clear this game, you know it, and i know it, someday ill die, the demon always dies at the end, but this time the angel won't kill him , he'll die protecting her from the beasts of Aincrad , i am sure of it, but until then let me be by your side...

Koharu : please don't say hurts everytime i think about it...i can't imagine losing you...i am not an angel're not a demon you'll never be , you can't die...

Kate : koharu...even if i died i'll come back for you , when you need me the most , i'll be there , but for now lets stay alive.

Koharu : by the way!

Kate : what is it?

Koharu : take this its a gift

Kate : really! Thank first gift is......

He opens it...

Katw : ...a banana -_-

Koharu : pfft! Hahahahahah!

Kate : your mood changed quickly '-'...

Kate : koharu.......( this smile...i swear ill protect matter the cost...kayaba i'll end this massacre...for her sake....for kirito's sake....for everyone's sake......ill end it!)

The next day.....

Kate : ......

Koharu :kate? Kate, kate!

Kate : oh? Koharu? Sorry in deep thought...

Koharu : it's okay, kirito wants to talk to you, you should go outside to see him.

Kate : ok , what about you?

Koharu : i-i-ill wait here!

Kate : ok then.

Kate leaves to see kirito.

Kirito : kate, sorry for the trouble.

Kate : don't worry about it , what is it?

Kirito : heathcliff has been talking about you a lot , its like he knows you more than anyone else, (he said : kate surely is strong but...he won't make it out alive.) What do you think kate?

Kate : ......i don't know....

Kirito : oh! ......sorry for scaring you like that.

Kate : don't worry about it.

Kirito : hey , you don't have a dark side don't you? ,if you lost koharu will you get revange?

Kate: if i lost her....?

Kirito : then she's everything to you right?

Kate : well....Yes...

Kirito : ok , sorry about the question.

Kate : ill head back home , wanna come?

Kirito : sorry ill pass.

Kate : ok...

Kate enters the room.

Koharu : you're back!

Kate : ........

Koharu : kate? What's wrong?

Kate : what should i do if i lost you?......will i get revange?.....will i kill?....

he starts holding his head Expressions of fear began to appear on his face....

Koharu : kate.....calm down...

Kate : oh!...... Sorry i....never mind!

Koharu : ......

Kate : hey , did you realize something? Kirito and Asuna changed a lot.

Koharu : yeah...i don't see them together a they used to be..

Kate holds her hand....

Koharu : kate?

Kate : let's stay like this a little longer.

Koharu : ok , take your time!

Kate : um...koharu.

Koharu : what's wrong kate?

Kate : can we go back to the 22th floor?

Koharu : if it's what you want ,lets go!

Kate : thanks!

In the 22th floor woods....

Kate : i like this place , it reminds me of my home in the real world.

Koharu : yeah i like it too , hey uhm...can we buy ourselfs a house?

Kate : a house? ,i think you're right , we might nee-

??? : help! Please help!

Koharu : over there! Is that a little girl?

Kate : i don't care! Lets save her!

Koharu : ok!

Kate : haaa! *slash* *fragment burst* are you okay?!

Koharu : ha! *slash* hyaaa! *slash* *fragment burst*.

Kate : are you alright?

??? : yes thank you but , i can't find my mother nor my father.

Kate : can you show me your party?

??? : ok

Kate : !! (Shit! They're dead why would they leave their child like this?) Um...what's your name?

Jessica : i am Jessica!


End of chapter.....

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