chapter 5 : not a demon

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Kate and koharu kept up the pace,they cleared the floors one after another ,until the reached The 25th floor.

Koharu : wow, the snow looks beautiful!

Kate : its really magical isn't it ?

Players : isn't that the demon? ,what is he doing here?

Kate looks down with a sad look : .........

Koharu : hey you! Kate is not a demon!
Is it only because of how he looks?!

Kate : koharu! Calm down...

Koharu : i am not going to calm down! You're a good guy and they call you a demon? You saved me! You! You!......

Koharu starts crying quietly : why....why?

Kate : koharu...if you want to see me...come to the 22th floor.

Kate left..

Asuna : koharu !

Asuna : are you ok?

Koharu : do you think he'll accept me again?...after all i said?

Asuna : hehehe.....of course, he can't just Abandon you like that.

Koharu : i think i'll go see him, thanks, goodbye.

Asuna : come back both of you!

The 22th floor

Kate was standing on a hill,looking at the moon.

Koharu : there he is.

Koharu : kate!

Kate : koharu......

Koharu looks down : i am sorry.....*starts crying* i...*sob* sorry....

Kate gives his hand to her,she notices that there is something on his hand, it was a golden ring....

She opens her eyes wide and looks at him, he take away his hand and looks at the moon....

Kate : first ever reason to angel......i can't imagine losing you....i know what a ring means to you.......and thats why.... i forgive you for everything.


  YES                                                   NO

Kate : i am sorry for a-asking this so suddnly, y-you can refuse if you want, i-i didn't mean anything by it!

Koharu presses yes with a very happy smile on her face

Kate : k....koharu....

She hugs him : please don't leave me again like that.

At the same time kirito and asuna were looking for them

Asuna : There they ar-

Kirito: quiet asuna , look at them.

Asuna : ( eek! They're ki-ki kissing!)

Kirito : we should leave them alone, lets go.

Asuna : ok

The next morning at the inn.

Kate : it's morning already?

He yawns...

Koharu : good morning kate!

Kate : good morning koharu.....

Koharu starts blushing : uhm...h-how are you n-now?

Kate : i am okay , thanks, by the way do you want to us to stay out of the assault team for a while? , we should take a rest from now and then...

He smiles...

Koharu : i guess you're right, how about we on a (date)?

Kate : on a gate?'-'

Koharu : i said a date!!

Kate : hehehe....ok lets go fishing then!

Koharu : ok!

22th floor , near the lake....

Kate: we're here!

Koharu : wow! The lake is so beautiful!

Kate : i know thats why i came here,  also i invited kirito and asuna!

Koharu : oh....i see..

Kate : what's wrong ?

Koharu : n-no its nothing

Kate : kirito and asuna aren't here yet.

A message from kirito : sorry we're busy leveling up we'll come by later.

Kate : they're busy....

Koharu : ( yesss!)

Kate : yes?

Koharu : n-nothing

Meanwhile, at the 25th floor.....

Asuna : they can't just leave us!

Kirito :  ( Asuna you idiot they just got married let them have it!)

Asuna : ( ok ok sorry!)

Back to kate....

Kate : that's a one!

Koharu :  are you cheating somehow?!

Kate : no i'm not!

Koharu : ill just go to another fishing spot

Kate : wait! stop!

Koharu : wha-

Some red player takes koharu, one of them points his knife at her throat....

Red player A : i think we got our selfs a hot chick right here , maybe we can play with her a little bit.....

He licks koharu's cheek...

Kate is in shock : no! Leave her alone!

Red player A : hey i think the boss want'em dead right?

Red player B : yeah i'll take care of the boy.

Kate : stop ! Please! Don't kill her!

Kobaru : h-help me kate! Please! I don't want to die!

Kate : koharu ill save you i promise!

Red player B : hey don't ign-

Kate's eyes glows, he was filled with anger.


End of chapter....

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